Prologue: The Betrayal

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|Sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences|

The police officer circled around the shivering man who was sitting bound on a chair inside a windowless room, like a vicious hawk waiting for its ill-gotten victim to die from fright.

The only vague light source came from the small dirt-caked glass opening on the concrete slab above, otherwise it was an endless tomb of grey concrete walls and a wide rectangled one-way mirror all around them... decorated with the rusty red imprints of it's previous guests.

The man began to perspire, feeling that his time was finally coming to a close after five days of endless torture. There was not much life left in him anyways... only the thin shell of a false hope remained inside him. That one last wish to see his baby boy again...
Suddenly, the officer banged his fists on the table before grabbing the bloody man by his collar; yanking him close.

"I'm getting tired of you Alexi" snarled the officer in a murderous voice, "tell me where your mob compound is before I cut out your tongue altogether"

The man shivered uncontrollably but somehow managed to stay silent... until he felt a hand punch across his jaw brutaly to the side. He reeled back on his chair, blood spraying on to the concrete floor.

"How about a different question then" said the officer softly. "The location of your Boss's house?"

"GO to fucking hell figlio di puttana!!" screamed the man, breathing hard through his nose. The officer tuttered, a glutinous smile stretching away on his monstrous face. He leaned closer towards the man lying sprawled on his iron chair

"Such a waste you know? I have easier ways of getting the truth out of you" he hissed at the broken man's ear, "I've heard that your son is not yet 6"

Alexi jerked back up from his chair, growling with rage that came out of every atom in his body


"Oh? I don't think that's gonna work for you Alexi" sneered Kim, "either way he's already a goner... either by the Falcons, or" Kim paused delicately, "Cosa Nostra... now that they don't have a leader.. not anymore"

Pale with fear, the Italian-Korean man began to gasp and choke uncontrollably... emotions seemed to be playing across his once handsome face. His head snapped back on his chair, memories of his small child and wife flooding across his mind. Tears sprang into his eyes, and a guttural moan escaped from his chapped, bloodied lips. Officer Kim waited. Knowing that the iron-like will of Alexi Luciano was finally broken.

"P-please dont hurt them!" he finally wailed as the officer offered him an evil grin.

"I can.. and I will Alexi" he said slowly "but you can change that situation...if you decide to help me"

For a moment, the dark haunted eyes met officer Kim.

"B-but I'm honor bound-"

"What matters most to you Luciano? Your honor to the Falcons? or the lives of your wife and child?"

Alexi stiffled a sob. The answer was obvious.

"I'm going to count to five Alexi" continued the officer evilly "if you don't, then it is bye bye to little Aiden"

"Please!! I-"


"You can't kill them!!"

" have a choice Alexi" said Officer Kim Ju Shin, raising his pistol

"If I do, they'll kill them anyways!!" wailed the man; half out of his mind.

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now