Chapter One

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Watching as the clock ticked, I saw ten more minutes until opening time. I covered my mouth while yawning, I was tired and drained. I continued organizing the books we had in the small library corner, moving around prevented me from falling asleep. Soon enough, seven am came around and I was behind the counter. I worked at the register today, Luke made the drinks and Chloe waitressed. Hours passed by and I could feel my fatigue increase, but I fought through. After working together for a while now, the three of us had a smooth, effortless flow. Smooth and easy.

Lunch time, the most dreaded part of my day, rush hour. Some came in for food or just to top up on their caffeine intake, others to simply read a book and munch on a snack. I looked around seeing the entire cafe full, a lot of customers were picking up the space, yet, it wasn't as loud as you'd expect. When the rush had quieted down, I leaned against the counter. My head was down when I heard a sweet sounding voice.

"Excuse me?"

My head snapped up, momentarily awed by her soft smile on her full lips. I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. I eventually got my shit together. "H-hi. How can I help you?"

"Can I have a cappuccino, please?" She politely asked, fishing inside her purse.

I nodded and told her the price, taking her cash and returning the correct change.

"Are you having it here or to go?" I asked, pretending to be busy while looking down.

"Here, please." Came her immediate reply.

"You can have a seat, someone will bring it to you." I looked in her general direction but not at her.

"Thank you." The customer turned and sat at a booth near the window.

I gave the order to Luke and turned to look at her, noticing her head down in her phone. I studied the woman for a while. She had light brown hair, her eyes were sea green and she couldn't be more than 5'3. She looked young too. I watched as Chloe placed her order in front of her. She looked up, smiling as she thanked her waitress.

I sighed. Women. I can look but never had enough courage to actually ask one out.

I went back to work with a quiet huff. Occasionally, I glanced at where the pretty stranger sat, making sure she hadn't left yet. A woman came in and placed her order, afterwards sitting next to the same woman my eyes kept falling on. I kept busy with work, I didn't need to be distracted.

"Logan, my feet are killing me. Mind switching?" Chloe asked as she came up.

"Sure, kid." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes as I laughed. Chloe had just turned seventeen being the youngest here, working since she was fifteen. Luke, John the owner and I were a bit protective of her. I treated her like a little sister.

I noticed the pretty stranger and the woman were still here a couple hours later, being amongst the few remaining customers. I tried to busy up with placing the books in their rightful places, but my speed had reached its limit. Having a library in the cafe was both good and bad. People loved reading and relaxing, but the hassle to always organize the books after was tiring.


I got up and rounded the corner as I heard John call for me. I saw him standing next to the pretty stranger and her friend. He signaled me to come over, an instant panic arising. Nervously, I slowly walked towards them. John threw his left arm around my shoulders as he introduced us.

"Logan, this here is Charlotte," he motioned to the pretty stranger. "And her friend Jasmine. They just opened up their photography studio here in town. Charlotte's dad and I go way back so, be a good sport and make them feel welcomed."

I nodded my head as I tried not to look too much into green eyes. "It's nice to meet you both." I said quietly.

"Aww. She's so cute." The woman whose name I now knew was Jasmine, cooed. She really just cooed at me?

I instantly felt my face flushed as Charlotte chuckled. And let me just say, it was the cutest chuckle I'd ever heard.

"Don't mind Jazz. It's nice to meet you as well Logan." Charlotte said with a sweet smile.

I averted my gaze away from her lips. Last thing I wanted was to come off as a pervert. Excusing myself, I went back to the library corner.

As I was walking away I heard John say, "she's a bit shy."

Again I flushed in embarrassment as they laughed.


I locked up the cafe and basically crawled up the stairs to the apartment. I opened most mornings and closed most evenings. I liked the busy schedule, even though it left me too tired to function at times. I locked the door, made my way towards the bathroom and stripped. I stared at my extra appendage, feeling slightly less resentful towards myself. It was a slow process, but I was learning to love myself. I was showered and in bed within minutes.

I laid down thinking about today, my mind drifting to the pretty stranger. No. Charlotte. That's her name. It suited her. I sighed, knowing I'd never have the guts. Besides, she was probably straight. Even if she wasn't, I doubt she would ever look at me that way.

I closed my eyes, willing sleep to take me. Soon enough I was in a dreamless sleep.


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