🎄Christmas Special🎄

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"Look! Look! It's snowing!!" Nat points outside the iced window at the frosty forest.

Nat is wearing a hand-knit sweater that says 'Respect the nose' and a knitted image of meat.

My eight year old self wakes up at the constant chatter of children around the house.

They're all wearing sweaters with various phrases knitted on, courtesy of Mama for knitting them.

Mine says the phrase 'The sarcastic One' and an image of me rolling my eyes. Mama knows us a little too well.

The chatter doesn't die down as everyone wakes up. Well, of course there's chatter. It's Christmas today. Surprising we even celebrate it considering we're made to be food.

"Snow?! WAKE UP, EVERYONE!! IT'S SNOWING!!" I yell, waking up the entire farm.

Farm? Why would I call it that? Oh, well.

I jump out of bed, quite literally, and shake Emma, Norman and Ray awake with a jolt.

Emma gets up full of energy for her favourite holiday. She puts on a greens and red sweater that says 'The Energetic One'. It has a knitted image of her running around.

Ray stays in bed as usual until I sit on him. He gets out of bed, grumbling. He puts on his sweater with the words 'The Emo One' and a knitted picture of Ray in an oversized black sweater.

Norman gets up, but looks out of energy. He puts on his Christmas sweater that says 'The Reasonable One'. It has a picture of Norman face palming.

Unfortunately Norman has to stay inside because he gets sick really, really easily. Too bad... Maybe I could stay with him!


We prepare our special breakfast, consisting of pancakes, waffles and egg. A strange combination, but always manages to fill us to the brim. Like the fattening of the Cattle.

Mama walks into the room wearing a sweater with the words 'The Mother One'. She chose to make matching sweaters for me, Ray, Norman, Emma, Don, Gilda, Phil and herself.

Mama serves us our food as Conny walks in through the wall.

"Morning, Conny!" Don greets with a usual smile.

Don wears a sweater with the words 'The Dumb One' printed on. It has a picture of him hanging upside down.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask, looking to where Don was waving. There's no one there.

"Huh? Was I talking to anyone?" Gilda asks, confused.

Gilda is wearing a sweater with the phrase 'The Caring One' and a picture of her holding a first aid kit.

As breakfast ends, I complete our usual test with a full score. Nothing out of the ordinary.


"Presents?" I ask.
"Yeah! Mama made prevents this year for us!" Emma cheers.

All the children are gathered inside the dining room waiting for Mama to bring these presents.

Unlike today, in previous years, we were very concerned with receiving and giving. We give each other fake happiness, anyway.

Mama comes into the room, accompanied by Krone. They're holding thirty boxes, neatly wrapped, each.

They start giving out the presents to each person and when I receive mine, I open it up at a steady pace.

Inside the box, I find a Katana.

"Ooh! (Y/N), That's looks so cool!" Emma exclaims peaking into my box.

"What did you get, you guys?" I ask the trio.

"A book." Ray replies with a small smile. He is obviously very happy about the book.

"A GIRAFFE!!" Emma shouts, riding the giraffe.

"I got a checkerboard pen." Norman smiles, holding the pen which displays the co-ordinates 'B06-32'.

"Cool!" I say, fascinated by the gifts everyone received.

"Okay, everyone. Put away your gifts and put on some warm clothing. It's free time." Mama cheers as she leaves the room with Krone, who is wearing a hat and holding a briefcase.


"TIME TO PLAY!!" I yell, rushing into the field, ready to play tag to train my body to be able to get away from the demons.

What's a demon, anyway?

I put on my red scarf, red hat and black gloves as I prepare some snowballs.

I gather a ton of snow and build a fortress, as two of the trees. Now no one can beat me!!

Phil jumps around in the snow wearing a sweater saying 'The Cute One'. It's accurate.

Emma flys up as Norman runs up with his usual smile.

Norman doesn't smi-smile.

We throw tons of snowballs at Ray, Don, Nat, Mama and everyone else, winning like every other year!

As our fight comes to a close, most of the children are exhausted and tired from the cold in the vampire tree's domain.

I run back into the house to warm up, but the bedrooms are on the 106th floor, so I may need to use my demon agility. No problem.

I pick up Emma and run to the 3rd and we change into dry clothing and prepare our dinner as Conny is delivered for the Gupna.

I wonder where Musica and Sung-Joo went... Yuugo should be back any moment with them, but I'm worried. The forest is dangerous, brimming with the Ratri... They better come back safe!

As the night bleeds into the day, we prepare for a long sleep at D528-143.

I snuggle up against Emma and Ray as Emma rests in Norman's warmth and Ray rests against my shoulder.

Good night to my fifteen year old self.

Goodnight to Emma.

Good night to Ray.

Good night to Yuugo.

Good night to Lucas.

Good Night to everyone!

Oh, it was just a dream...

I'm still 14. I'm still in Norman's hideout. I'm still me.

Yuugo... Lucas... Conny...

They're all dead because I was t strong enough. That's why I need to become stronger. I want to protect them.

I want to protect Norman, Emma and Ray at the very least... They are everything to me. If I ever lost them...

Tears stream from my eyes as the morning Sun rises.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!" Everyone cheers jolting me to reality.

They're wearing the sweaters from the dream...

"...Merry Christmas, everyone!"

(1073 Words)

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this weird Christmas special and I hope you noticed all the weird stuff that has happened. It's like a glitch in the Matrix or like we entered the Seven Walls.

I don't celebrate Christmas personally, but to those who do,

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