«3 - Exposed»

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I blinked awake, overcome with fatigue and yawned.
What time is it?

I stared at the clock at the back of the bedroom. 5am, early.

I got out of bed and cleaned myself up in the bathroom like I usually did, when I saw Emma and Norman. They hadn't seen me yet, so I followed them in case they got into more trouble.

They walked into the storage room? I headed in to see Norman and Emma gathering table cloths and tying them together. Oh, they're making the rope to climb over the wall.

I left and to my surprise, it had only been 15 minutes. I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I got together the ingredients for pancakes. Yum.


Finally, it was free time. I sat down next to Ray hoping he was reading an interesting adventure book, but when I looked at his face, he was watching Emma and Norman. He signals to me to get up and follow them. What was he up to this time?

We were pretty deep into the forest now. We had already passed the fence and were near the wall. I could tell from the positioning of the trees and rocks. It was easy to navigate around this area since it was mostly untouched.

Emma and Norman were talking with a white bag in Norman's hand, definitely being the table cloth rope.

Ray stopped me from going any further and we both separated, going up a different tree.

I listened in on the conversation. As does Ray. They tied the table cloth around themselves. They were planning on climbing the wall.

"Here comes the hard part." Norman worried, securing Emma.

"Don't you think it's about time to tell (Y/N) and Ray about the plan?" Emma asked, out of the blue.
"At first, I was thinking the same thing." He continued, "Knowing Ray, he wouldn't panic and with his knowledge about machinery, he would be a great help."

"What about (Y/N)?"
"She's calm and can casually distract Mama without being suspected of helping us and can even spot the smallest mistakes in our plans, but she tends to panic when things go wrong. (Y/N) isn't mentally stable enough for this plan."

"What if we got her to help us without telling her? She trusts us enough, don't you think?" I sat back in the tree knowing how right they were. I began to worry for the future.

When I turned back to them, I was shocked to see Ray sitting on a rock reading his book with Emma and Norman's backs turned. What was he doing?!

I jumped down from the tree silently and walked towards him, so I'd be standing beside him.
"Yo!" I said calmly. Emma and Norman jumped in place surprised by our appearance.

"What can't you tell us?" Ray asked with slight smirk. "Sorry, we followed you here." I smiled and waved at them from behind Ray as they looked at us shocked.

"I've been itching with curiosity and decided to ask straight up." I let Ray do the talking after what they said.

I wasn't hurt since I knew it was true, but... it did still hurt, you know? I just wanted them to have faith in me.

"What happened at the gate, huh?" Ray was behind them with his arms around Emma and Norman. "And make sure to tell (Y/N). She deserves to know." My eyes lit up as I turned around.

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