«5 - The Next Phase»

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After I heard Mama go to bed, silent as a mouse, I made my way to the dining hall where Emma, Ray and Norman waited.

"Good, your here." Ray smiled.
"Okay! Let's discuss the next part of the plan." Emma cheered.

"What time is it? I forgot to check." I asked with a small yawn.
"12am." Ray replied.

"I'll go back at 12:30am." I said, walking over to one of the many empty chairs.
"We won't be here for too long." Norman corrected.

"Well, first things first, how are we gonna get the kids to keep up with us when we escape?"
"I've already thought of it." Emma stepped forward. "Tag."

"Tag?" Norman questioned.
"I see! We train their mind and body under the disguise of playing!" I predicted.

"Playing 'Tag' everyday like that won't guarantee being able to outrun the demons, but at least we'll be able to teach them how to escape." Emma added.

"Emma and I could teach them how to move swiftly and silently while Ray and Norman shows them how to use their brain!" I said cheerfully.

After that, we went back to bed. It really didn't take long at all.


The next day, we got everyone to play Tag while Ray, as usual, sat by himself reading.

We had just finished playing a game ready to start a new one when,
"May I join?" Sister Krone popped out while Emma and I were doing a head count.

"I'd like to try and become friends with all the kids here." We didn't even need to ask why she wanted to play Tag. It was as if she read our mind.

"I don't see why not?" Norman said, stepping forward.
"The time limit will be 20 minutes. I will be 'It'." Sister Krone proposed.

I ran off Anna, Marco and Jemima. I hid in a tree at first getting them to erase their tracks along the way and move without making a sound.

I hid them in bushes around me, so if Sister Krone came nearby, I could see how they would react. I was pretty high in the tree when I heard Sister Krone say,

"I might have to get serious." It was pretty distant, so I stayed where I was and kept an eye on their hiding places.

A few seconds later, I saw Emma and Norman picking up leaves with shape cut out onto it. Krone likely used them to lure the younger kids come out of hiding.

I saw Norman and Emma run towards the direction Sister Krone went and decided to follow them. I hopped down from the tree and swiftly ventured after them.

After a few minutes of running, Sister Krone found Emma and chased her down, but Emma then found Phil and one of the others. She picked both of them up and ran as fast as she could. Emma really does care a lot about her family.

Emma ran behind a rock exhausted while I hid in a tree once again (I never liked hiding behind bushes since they made a lot of unnecessary noise and they're easy to catch the person hiding inside).

"Emma~, you must be exhausted from carrying those two." Krone began, "Did you know, Norman's weakness is his stamina? Heard he had a weak body when he was young. Ray's weakness is that he's too quick to give up. He makes decisions fast, but is just as fast to cast them aside. (Y/N)'s weakness is that she has a weak mental fortitude. She panics when things don't go right. Sometimes, she even has panic attacks and passes out after. And your weakness is that you're too naive."

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