«17 - Shelter B06-32»

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"EMMA!" The man who seems so untrustworthy, turns out to be just that. I put the knife around his neck.
"Let Emma go or I'll slice your neck open." I say bringing the knife closer to him.

"I have more experience than you chumps. I could turn the tables right now if I wanted."
"Then why haven't you?" He momentarily lets go of Emma and grabs me flipping me over into the ground with a loud crack of my arm making impact.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Nat runs up to me and I sit up. By the time I do, the man already holds Emma with a gun at her head, point-blank range.

"You're all chumps. Although, you, (Y/N), was it? Yeah, you snuck up behind me. That's impressive, but I'm not gonna have a bunch of dead weight pulling me down like you. Your pen. Fork it over. I don't want you being able to get in here again. Hand over your pen or ya'll are gonna die right here." Tch. I couldn't do anything.

I stand up and charge at the man and as he was about to attack me, I jump to the side and kick him on the hip. He flinches as Emma takes the opportunity to punch him where the Sun cannot reach. I snicker as I grab her and get away.

All the kids were shocked and Don even said,
"Ouch, that's gotta hurt."
"Quick! Everyone out of the room!" Ray shouts out.

"Ack. My neck hurts... I thought he was going to choke me." Emma says, holding her neck.
"He flipped me onto the ground pretty hard." I add rubbing my shoulder.

"You idiots! What were you thinking?! What if he pulled the trigger on you guys?!" Ray argues.
"But he didn't." Emma says, "He was bluffing. He doesn't want to kill anyone, just chase them out."

At that moment the man shoots a bullet that passes right next to my face cutting off some strands of hair as well as, my skin.

"(Y/n)!" Anna yells.

Emma grabs me and pushes me behind her. Some of the kids go behind me, as well, just hugging me out of fear. What are they gonna do if he shoots me, again?!

But why didn't he shoot me? He shoots next to me, but not anything vital. Why? His aim is really something if he can shoot the exact spot next to my face or maybe Emma was right about the bluff. Or... he shot there to show us the next bullet would not be a bluff.

"Like hell I was bluffing!" The man says recovering from Emma's... 'action'.
"Well, see! You just missed again." I say pointing towards the bullet hole.

"You don't want us around, but you don't want to kill us either. That's why you're trying to make us leave." Emma finishes.
"Bullcrap! I jut don't wanna deal with 15 bloody corpses, that's all!"

Forever forgotten. Rip to my quiet self.

He stands up on the table. Watching this sight is like watching a spoiled child whine about not wanting to get eaten by demons. Wait, I forgot that's not normal. Hmm, like a spoiled child whining about... not getting a specific toy for their birthday.

"I couldn't care less about you stupid brats! Don't think you're worth a damn thing! This next bullet's gonna hit ya! Now, for the last time, get out of here I'll blow your head off!" The man says aiming his gun at me. Emma leaves my side, striding with confidence, dominating each step.

"I refuse!" She says, calling his bluffs, "We can't afford to leave and we can't afford to hand over our pen. And also, My Family Isn't Dead Weight!"

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