«28 - New Information»

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"The line cut..." I say putting the phone back in place.
"He was an ally, right?" Emma looks to Lucas and I with a smile on her face, "As expected of Minerva-san. He was doing all this for us!"

Man, how does Emma always stay positive, in every situation we're put in?
"Wow, to think the place we escaped from would have an escape to the 'Human Side'. Kinda funny when you think about it. And I'm so glad James had supporters to help us out." I say.

"Thank goodness. Now, when we get out of here, I can face those kids and that guy." Lucas backs away from us saying this.

Could totally say his name, but no, just leave us wondering and giving him nicknames.

"With this, the final obstacle has been cleared to ending this hunting ground." Lucas comes back and holds his hand out, "Let's obtain the future we desire. To accomplish that, we'll need the details in..."
"Are in Marvin's bed!" We say in unison.

This message was something only the escapees would understand. James' adventure novel. Inside it, was Marvin the Lemur. His favourite sleeping spot being a drawer.

I find the drawer and open it, finding...

Nothing. Nothing, on the surface.

I call Emma and Lucas over and we pull the draws out, inspecting them, thoroughly. Emma approaches the dresser, itself. She checks the back and pulls a board out,
"An extra board!" She shouts.

Emma pulls out a small, sliver object that looks like...
"A pen cap!" I shout.
"Yeah, but why? What does it mean?" Emma says, studying the pen cap.
"Umm, what if we replaced the pen cap in Lucas' pen with that one? It could give us all the information we need." I suggest.

Emma takes the pen cap off Lucas' pen, replacing it with the newly found one. When we switch the pen on, a new screen full of information pops up.
"(Y/N), you're a genius!" Emma flatter me, "There's so much information here..."

"You just realised? And, man, this really is a lot of info. We've gotta get out of here and show this to everyone." I say, analysing bits and pieces of diagrams and words. There was so much here that you couldn't fit it all into brain, without forgetting half of it.

"Look, this part explains how to cross between worlds and how to contact our allies!" Emma points to different pieces of information, "This one's a full layout of Goldy Pond and... where do we even start?"

Emma walks closer to one area of the wall and just stays there reading,
"I see, so that's what they mean by 'The Seven Walls'."
"Eeh? Lemme see! I'm curious, Emma~" I whine, as Emma teasing me by not letting me see.


"One more file..."
We've already looked through a lot of the files, left with just this and a couple more, 'Project LAMBDA-7214'. Emma reads the description out loud,

"'To be constructed in the Westernmost end. 'LAMBDA-7214' is a brand new... Trial Plantation?' Hmm, that's it?"
"Well what's the point of tha... hmm, this could be pretty helpful in our plan. We could rescue everyone there on our way to the human world if it exists." I enquire.

Project LAMBDA-7214... I've got a bad feeling about it. How is it different to the Mass-Farming factories and the Good Quality plantations? Too many questions... I need answers and this is a perfect way of getting them.

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