«13 - Trouble»

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"Just in time as anticipated. We found them. We're bringing them back at once."

Right now... Ray is hiding behind a tree in front of two Grace Field Demons as I lay in the shadows.

"Disgusting. Just the thought of an inferior race touching our merchandise." The demon on the left says.

"Insolent knave." The right demon says, stepping on the wild demon's torn off head. He is likely the 'leader'.

I can see Ray panicking. Anyone will panic witnessing that. The demons begin surrounding Ray and one of them just took off that wild demon's head without even trying... He's lacking in both power and numbers.

"Find anything yet?" The demon asks.
"This thing hasn't eaten yet, I can't smell any human scents from its mouth."

Does that mean... my eyes widen and look over to Ray. I see him reaching for his bag and,
"Are you hiding over there? Come on out." The demon says. I cover my mouth and shut my eyes tight.

They can most likely smell me and maybe even hear my breathing. But why haven't they called me out yet?

"That was a close one. I've dealt with the big, bad monster, so come out now. Even you, behind the tree over." He directs his attention to me. Ray looks over and sees a shadow of me.

I don't regret coming here, but I do regret getting caught. Now, I can't warn Emma and the others.

"Should I bring them out?" The other other demons asks respectively.

"No, stay where you are. Is it just you two? Where are the other 14?" The demon interrogates, "Now you know, it's impossible to live out here. Now let's return home."

I take out my knife at the small chance they come over here themselves.

They probably haven't realised by now. They're giving us information. When the demon asked, 'Is it just you two?', we now know that everyone else is safe. They're trying to figure out the situation they must deal with.

I carve the word, 'Demon' on the tree in front of me as a message if Emma comes back. Ray's probably thinking the same thing, so..

We have to keep the attention on us.

If we run in the opposite direction of Emma's group, the demons will chase after us. Right now, we have an idea of their speed, from that attack earlier, and their intelligence. We can do this.

I come out of my hiding place, hands on hips and a smirk on my face. At the same time, so does Ray, but with his signature smirk. He looks at me and says,

"About time. Everyone's dead." Ray says proudly, pulling his scarf down to reveal his number.

"So they are premium quality 81194 and 50194 (your number)." The demon confirms.

"I have no intention of going back just to be eaten." I say.
"Your will is not needed here. Capture them." The demon threatens.

Ray runs to the right while I run to the left. Several demons chase Ray and I through the woods. Each time I think of a way to out-manuever the demons, one speeds up to stop me. They aren't going all out...

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