«42 - Jin and Hayato»

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*8th Day Of Travel*

"Looks like we won't make it in ten days." Rays comments, as we trudge through the dull forest.

"Yup... But, everybody's alive and well! I'm still worried about Dominic and Chris' state, but still..." Emma trails off, tightening her grip around her gun.

"We've come so far, without having to face any demons. At this rate, we'll only be a day or two late." I calculate, looking around for any bizarre motions.

"Ray, (Y/N)... To tell you the truth, I've been worried sick. Just like you, right?"

I look at Emma. She can read us so well. Who knew distancing myself, back then, wouldn't stop these people from caring?

"I was feeling terrible... We lost the Shelter, the supporters, Yuugo and the others... I was starting to lose hope. And then there's Phil. Is he safe? Can be afford to make another two months? Shouldn't we help them right now...?" Emma begins.

"But, even if I tried, what chance do I have? But, the children taught me something. During times like this, more than ever, we have to deal with one problem at a time. No matter how worried you get, it doesn't do any good to anyone. Focus on what you can do right now, in what you must do. These small steps will take you to the end."

"Emma..." I trail.

A electric impulse races through my body, as I ready my stance and search. This feeling... demons...!

"Everyone stay here! We'll be back!" I instruct, to our group.

"Don, Now!!" Ray shouts, as we run towards the demons's aura.

I speed ahead of the group to examine the situation, but it isn't what we expect...

Two boys are defending themselves from a pack of demons. Real human people...!

Everyone else catches up as I get over the initial shock and jump in with my Katanas, ready to slice up some demon scum.

"We need to save them!" I shout, slicing into and through the demons' weak spot. Emma and Don ready their bows. The arrows pierce through the demon's tongue as it tries to eat the young boy.

We end up terminating all the demons, giving us a chance to process the situation.

The first boy has a bandana around his forehead and a protective vest. His spiky hair stands out just as much as his clothing. Probably by they got caught.

The second boy is wearing a mask, covering half his features. His hair is in a very short pony tail and having almost identical clothing to the first kid.

From the boy's reaction to the dead demons, he most likely doesn't realise we're here.
"An arrow...?"

Ray pushes the battle of his gun to Bandana's head.
"Don't move. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Emma and Don points their guns at Mask. No sign of others... Seems like a trap. If they can't deal with a few demons, no way can they survive out here. Is it the Ratri clan? But that wouldn't make sense, seeing as they only keep girls alive, but they could be bonded with the Ratri, themselves.

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