«56 - The Final Battle Begins»

415 21 14

A/N: Did I just tell the future through fanart-

When I wrote this chapter a month ago, I put a fanart of the trio in snow and now, in London, it snowed!! Like what?

Anyway, enjoy the story while I freak out, internally.

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We hurry to the hideout, Aishe's dogs leading the way. Aishe is the name of the girl who had history with Norman.

Norman had found her in a demon's home and she cursed him in the demon's language, not knowing Norman could understand.

The demon's home in which she was found in, was actually owned by someone she cared dearly for. I guess they were killed and Aishe began to hate everyone at the hideout.

That's about what I could infer from the earlier interactions and points Norman had told me.

Anyway, as we run, I hear footsteps. Familiar footsteps.

We stop and wait for the individuals to show themselves.

The footsteps are too many to be Lucas' group, so the only other people I can think of are...


Vincent comes out from behind the tree with the foot soldiers, Cisclo and Barbara.

"Vincent... you all...! Why are you still here...? I told you to..." Norman takes a step forwards them.

"Glad to see ya doing well!" Cisclo interrupts Norman with a bright smile on his face.

"Our bad, Boss... we kinda went against the orders here..." Cisclo laughs.

"We were worried about you, too. Sorry." Barbara apologises with a tired look on her face.

"You're still human. You should've listened, but... I'm glad you're safe." I smile even brighter, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Now, next time we give you an order... follow them." I say, coldly, "You're still human."

"Man, you're scarier than the Boss, (Y/N)." Cisclo laughs.
"I get that a lot."

"Why would you stay behind?! If I had been killed..." Norman waves his arms around like Emma.

"You said that you'd be right behind us. So we waited. You bested her." Vincent chimes in.

"Yes. The Queen is dead." I confirm.

The three smile at the news of their worst enemy being eliminated.

"To the horses! No moment to lose!" Vincent shouts as horses come into sight.

Before we can even get onto the horses, I hear the galloping of more horses. Oliver's group!!

"Emma! Ray! (Y/N)! There they are!" Oliver shouts.
"O-Oliver!?" Emma shouts.

One look at his face and we all knew.

"Where's... the children...?" I ask, clenching my fists.

"It's awful...!"

Our faces grow more fearful and disorientated.

"Tell us... what happened..." I say in a withered voice.

After hesitating for a bit, Gillian speaks up.

"...After we separated... we ran straight back to warn them, but... It was too late!" Gilliam's exclaims.

"Wha?!" Emma's eyes widen at the horrific news as my nails dig into my palms.

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