«10 - The New Plan»

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Norman's shipment day... I heard about the plan from Emma.

They were going to make Norman escape, but with a twist. He wouldn't actually escape. Norman would only be chilling inside the house's perimeter and would make Mama think he escaped.

We would bring him food and water every so often and re-plan our escape. The day before my shipment, I would join Norman and we would wait for the others.

There were a couple flaws with the plan like security, but I was sure they'd have worked it out. If not, I would sort it out.

It was a normal day. Breakfast, Test, Free Time. Nothing unusual in Mama's eyes. I went over to talk to Mama. There was something I had to confirm.


As we were in her office, I confronted Mama,
"You broke the deal. You knew all along that Norman would be shipped yet..." I ball my fists and look down angrily,

"You promised me that Norman, Emma and Ray would be safe and live a full life in this house! You said you would in exchange for me becoming a Mama!"

"You weren't going to fulfill your part of the deal, so why should I?" Mama replied. She saw right through my plans.

"Why is Norman getting shipped tomorrow?" I asked blankly.

"HQ ordered for Norman to shipped tomorrow and for you, two weeks from now. You can still live if you chose to become a Mama and I might just let Emma live her life." I was furious with Mama.

She broke our deal and foretold my 8 year plan,
"I cut Ray loose and got rid of Sister Krone as you asked. What problem is there?"

I walked out of the office and smirked. I had stalled Mama long enough for Norman to get away. I ran outside to find Ray by his 'reading tree' and Emma talking to the kids on crutches.

Mama walked out of the house moments later and looked around for Norman. When she couldn't find him, she checked the transmitter. I could see the failure in her eyes.

She looked up and smiled a devious smile. As I looked in the direction she was facing, I saw Norman coming out of the forest and hugging some children that approached him.

I ran over anger burning through my eyes,
"Why are you still here, Norman?!" I whisper-yelled.

He closed his eyes and smiled,
"I just couldn't escape."


We were now in the infirmary room. I stared Norman down.

"I can't escape, but I'll tell you how the inspection went." He began, "Past the wall... was a cliff."

I looked at him.
"What about along the wall?" Ray asked.

"I walked around the wall and came to a corner that was split perfectly in the middle. If I were to speculate how this area looked like, it would like this,"

He took out a piece of paper with a drawing of a hexagon with a smaller hexagon in the middle that was likely headquarters. In between both hexagons were walls, connecting the vertices.

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