«31 - The Final Blow»

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A/N: Ran out of FanArts, so here's a video that made me laugh for ten straight minutes.

I jump out from the alleyway and run to Ray and Emma.
"(Y/N), where were you!" Ray asks, before pulling his attention onto Adam and Lewis, "And did that guy just throw entire roof?!"
"I'll tell you later, but for now, we'll worry about Lewis." I reply, getting out a gun. Throwing knives would definitely not do a thing on this guy.

"Go, Adam!" A familiar voice yells from behind us, "Blow that monster away!"
Adam responds to the voice with a heavy punch to Lewis' face, throwing him back by quite a distance.
Lewis took a hit! Amazing, Adam!

I look to where the voice came from and thankfully, Cat Girl is still alive!
"Now! This is our chance, everybody! Take him down!" Mr. Asshole shouts.

Lewis takes a rain of bullets before landing on the ground and immediately starts dodging most of the bullets.
"Emma, (Y/N)! I met Adam on the way here. What's the status on the flash grenade?!" Violet asks, frantically raining bullets onto Lewis.
"We used it, but the effects will, soon, wear off! It's hard enough to attack even like this! All we have to do is keep wearing him down. Even normal bullets can hurt him now!"

Normal bullets can hurt him? Does that mean there's a limit to his regeneration? Like with humans, the older you get, the slower you regenerate after injuries. Seeing as Lewis is over 1000 years old, his regeneration must be incredibly worn down.

"Got it!" Violets blows a whistle, "Adam! Throw it!" Adam throws another roof at Lewis and hits him. Lewis, then, runs towards Violet, most likely wanting to get Adam's command out of the game. Violet reacts by throwing up another flash grenade, by Lewis doesn't fall for it and covers his eyes. Damn!

We continue shooting as the tension thickens. The battle is coming to a close! Mr. Asshole, from one of the rooftops, snipes Lewis' jaw off as Adam readies himself to throw another piece of a house.

Lewis dodges the first one, but as he dodges the second, it flies towards Cat Girl and Goggles!
"Pay attention! Aren't you endangering two of your own?"

Emma and I run after Cat Girl and Goggles, but as the building made contact with the ground, Lewis zooms in on Adam and throws a punch, crashing him into an untouched house.

The house tilts and Mr. Asshole hangs from the rooftop.
"Keep Firing!" Rays yells. I shoot as I catch up to Emma, but as I do so, I lose track of Lewis.

"Time's up, what a shame!"

Huh...? What is this pain in my stomach? Did... something happen...?

I look down to see blood dripping and two claws piercing my stomach. When I look behind me, Emma was in the same positio. No, Emma...

As I feel the life drain away, my eyes pray to sleep and my body ultimately, shutting down. I want to be strong... I want to keep fighting, and winning! Please, just...

Lewis lifts us off the ground and throws us into the ground with a large thud, as Ray screams our name.
"End it..." I manage to get out in a small whisper. My eyes flutter, as the pain courses through my battered body.

I reach my arm out to Emma, barely being able to call her name. I should be worrying about Emma later, but I can't betray Norman, like that! I need her be okay... I need Emma, to live.

I use all my strength to get my body to move, as I stand up, my friends, relentlessly shoot Lewis, but it still isn't working. God Damn!

As I struggle to stand up, I look to Emma and to my surprise, she was standing as well! You're alive! Thank God...!

I raise my gun, shakily, to shoot Lewis and Emma does the same except... That's the gun Ray picked out!

"This is our last chance! Keep shooting!" Ray yells, relieved that Emma and I were still alive. I continue shooting as Emma raises her gun and shoots out one of the barrels. The Flash barrel!

The bullets disguises itself in with the others and as it opens, a flash dominates the area. Lewis, blinded for that moment, was full of openings. I took the opportunity and shot him full of wholes, including his weak spot.

"Oh, how I love humans..." His final words... We did it, right?

Everyone begins cheering, as we've finally killed Lewis. We've ended the park. But not the pain...

I fall back on the ground, exhausted from using all my energy. Not even a second later, Emma flops down. Guess this is it... Like Hell! I ain't going down without a fight!


I was conscious enough to know what was going on, but I didn't have the strength to move or do anything, for that matter.

"Ray..." I whimper, as Ray carries me, bridal style into the windmill.
"Shh, it's fine. Emma is okay and we'll get you treated! Don't worry and rest." He replies.

I wanted to go to sleep so bad, but I was afraid that if I did, I would never wake up...
"There won't be enough medicine, Ray... Leave me for now, and come back later... I'll be fine. I don't go down without a fight!" I whisper, once more.

"If you think I'm leaving you, you must be delusional, (Y/N)... I could never leave you... even after what you did at Grace Field... I know what happened... I watched you carefully. You knew even before me."

Tears flows from my face as the pain died down. I felt cold and hot at the same time. It was painful, but not painful at the same time. Everything around me swirled as I lost consciousness, once more...

(1014 Words)

Yes, this is a short chapter, but that is because the next chapter is three weeks later. Thank you for reading this far!

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