«9 - (Y/N)'s Consequences»

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"Let's review the plan." It was six days until the escape and that day, we were commencing, 'Operation Wall Check'.

The injury I got from the incident the other day was a stab to the shoulder, meaning it was easy to hide and we decided to not speak of this incident.

"After Lunch, when it's free time, I'll keep Mama occupied while Norman and Emma climb the wall and investigate. Don and Gilda will be stationed outside in front of the south-facing windows of the second floor. If by some small chance I can't distract Mama, I will signal to you. (Y/N), you will be outside the house stalling Mama while Don and Gilda retrieve Emma and Norman."

As the plan started, I headed to the house and stood by for five minutes when Mama came out of the house. Don and Gilda were utterly shocked. Looked like my plan was working well.


After the night we told Gilda and Don about the farm (the fake truth), I wondered over to Mama's room to find her waiting for me. I smile and greet her,
"Hello, Mama."

"Anything new, (Y/N)?"
"Emma and Norman made up a lie to convince Don and Gilda to help them. Something about Human Trafficking."

"Do I need to worry."
"Not really. It shouldn't be a problem. I'll handle it like usual."

"Do you know when they plan to escape?"
"They want to escape within a month from now it seems. Right now, they're concentrating on how to escape rather than when."

I walk out disgusted by Mama. How could she do this everyday? Know the truth and not go crazy. Well, I guess you'd be crazy if you chose to be a Mama.

*Flashback End*

Mama didn't have just one spy. She had me as well although, I was doing this for the same reason as Ray. To save everyone.

The day before we had planned to investigate past the wall, I went to Mama. I told her to release Ray and Sister Krone or I wouldn't be her pet anymore.

I told her the plan in exchange. So what happens next will be my responsibility.

"Mama. What did you do with Ray?" I asked.
"Locked him in one of the rooms." She replied.

"And our deal?"
"No worries, my adorable (Y/N)." She strokes my hair being my ear.

Was she checking for the tracker?

"Mama, Emma and Norman are almost done. I don't think there'd be a point to going after them now." I said in defence of Norman and Emma.

"The transmitter shows they're still at the wall. Are you perhaps... lying?"

"Of course not, Mama.They told me a maximum of ten minutes. It's been eight. I'm sorry I assumed."

I headed into the house and ran toward the sound of banging at a door. Don was ramming into the door,
"Move aside, Don!" I yelled. I ran towards the door at full speed and jump-kicked it open.

The door opened and I landed on my back as Ray helped me out. We ran outside to catch up to Mama.

We ran towards where Emma and Norman were scouting, only to see a horrific sight.

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