«22 - Wrong Move»

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We're surrounded by a pack of wild demons standing on a branch covered in vines, glaring at Mr. Asshole. That's his new name. He doesn't deserve a joke like Mr. Bluffer.

"What a wonderful sight. Wonder how you'll get outta this one." I walk over, ready to do, god knows what when Ray whispers in my ear.

"Now's not the time. We'll feed his leftover corpse to demons later."

I look down fantasising throwing the rogue man into the horde.

"You're a crazy bastard, Mr. Asshole." He snickers at the new nickname.

"You're one to talk. And should a kid like you really be using such foul language?"
"I'm 12, quit treating me like a kid."

I glare at him. It was funny how he could make such jokes in a situation like this.

"Sorry, kid. You were just doing too well. It got boring, you know?" He glares back with twice the amount of hate.

Getting away would definitely be hard seeing as they're fixated on us, specifically. I look over to Mr. Asshole to see him waving goodbye.

"Guess ya'll are gonna die! I'll come back when two of you drop dead, I'll swoop in to save the surviving one. I'll be around watching the show!" He salutes and just like that, disappears.

So much for an inescapable situation. Adults really are on another level.

I look around analysing possible escape routes. If that man is nearby, we haven't lost our guide, but he said he'll come back to save the last one surviving.

If we survive this situation, he'll probably come back, but it's not a guarantee.

"Ray! They're starting to climb up!" Emma shouts bending down to look over the branch.

I run over and hold the orange-haired girl's coat to prevent the her from falling down. I growl at the current situation as Ray scoffs.

"That man ain't comin' back. We'll have to survive past this situation on our own." I say pulling Emma up before one of the demons has a chance to grab her. That would be too easy.

"Ray! This way!" I pull Emma towards the best escape route.

We run across the branch as Ray takes his gun and shoots through four branches above us.

They collapse and the ravenette shouts to Emma,
"Use that gun!" Emma takes out the pistol from the previous day and flicks through the bullets.
"Use the green one!" I shout, having let go of her.

She aims the gun above the demons and shoots, a net unfolding from the spot she had shot.

The gun had four bullet types. Net, Flash, Bang and Tear Gas.

It's a harmless gun, used mainly for escape, although you can't use it randomly.

You'd need to have a thorough plan in order to use it to the fullest of its capabilities.

We focused our attention on escape from the beginning. I ain't gonna let anyone die today, Mr. Asshole.

I look back at the demons. They are... eating their own. It would be smart to free up space to escape the net, but that's just... Dammit! Focus!

"They're already free, Ray!" I shout, looking forward. Emma looks backs and her eyes widen. At least we'll have no hesitation killing these demons.

We shoot down the demons as they come pouring at us, but they just regenerate straight after.

Pointless. A waste of bullets.

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