«16 - Out of the Forest»

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Emma signals to us that the coast is clear. We climb out and after a long week, exit the forest.

It's been six days since we entered this forest. We've leant a lot about this world and we still have questions, but for now, we'll play it by ear.

In front of us stands a sandy dessert. The scene captures sand stacks that look hard as rocks and unnatural birds to the ones we read about, soaring through the endless sky.

The terrain is bumpy and has many places with the potential to hide us. The air is hotter than in the forest and the sky is as clear as day. Perfect for a rendezvous.

"Keep travelling south to reach your destination." Sung-Joo points towards the direction we needed to go towards.

As we ready ourselves to leave, the kids say goodbye to Musica and Sung-Joo, some asking for them to stay with them for a little longer. I approach Sung-Joo to say goodbye.

"Thank you for everything you've taught us in the past couple days." I smile.
"Don't forget what I've told you, (Y/N) and also, take care of your family." Sung-Joo returns the smile.

I haven't seen his smile yet, but it felt nice like when Mama smiled before we left. I hug Sung-Joo.

"This isn't goodbye, it's just see you later!"
"Well, I have a feeling we'll see each other again. Stay safe and if you need us, come find us yourself."

"You're always travelling. How would we find you?"
"Track us. Footprints. Patterns. Anything would work. I'll teach you that next time our paths cross." He messes my hair up like Ray usually does. I laugh and make my way towards Emma.

As we are about to leave, Musica pulls Emma and I back and puts a finger to her mouth telling us to keep quiet.

"Here, this will serve as a good luck charm." She puts something in Emma's hand and looks to me with two Katanas in hand, "Cant leave behind any weapons, right? Find the 'Seven Walls'. The future you hope for lies beyond there." She says before letting us go.

The 'Seven Walls'? I guess we'll understand soon...
"Ready, (Y/N)?" I look over to Ray and nod. We wave goodbye and head towards Minerva-san.

As we walk on, I strap the two Katanas over my shoulders and look over at the good luck charm Musica gave Emma. It was a necklace with an eye charm.

"Are we headed the right way?" Gilda asks Nat, looking at the compass,
"Yep." He replies.
"There's seriously nothing here." Don complains.
"There's rocks and stuff." Lani jokes.


As night dawns on us, Emma takes the pen out.
"Emma, are we there yet? How much longer?" She checks the pen.

"Huh?" The projection shows, 'B06-32', "We're here. We're in Area B06-32."
"No mistake. We're definitely here." I add as the six year olds question the projection and the eight year olds question Minerva-san.

They scream and run around for several minutes until our of breath.
"Done?" I sigh.

"Seriously...? What now?" Nat asks.
"There's... seriously nothing here." Don repeats the line. I begin thinking, when I remember!
"Emma! Give me the pen and the 'key book'!"

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