«19 - Preparation»

792 33 35

"Me, Emma and (Y/N) are going to 'AO8-32'."

"Huh? What's about us?" Gilda enquires.
"We'd like you to stay here and take care of the kids." Emma replies holding Gilda's shoulder.

"We don't need everyone on this mission. Not in our current situation." I add, getting off of the table.
"The poachers?" Anna asks calmly.

"Right. In this shelter, we're safe. There's no sign the demons know about this place. That man has been living here for thirteen years." Ray says, looking at Don.

He has a fierce look in his eyes. Desperation. Worry. Don wanted to say something, but knew we would prove him wrong.

I move forward towards Don,
"Don, we've got luck on our side. And our skills aren't too bad either. Plus... I've got an idea of how to get experience on our side...." I whisper the last bit. Everyone looks at me and I laugh.

"Emma! Ray! (Y/N)... what if, what if... and then." Don stutters trying to get his thoughts out all at once.
"I'm not planning on get killed, Don." Ray says.

Thoma, Lanny and myself look at him.
"Ray... Leave the talking to me and Emma." I say patting his shoulder.
"I'm serious this time!" He yells.

"Don't worry, it won't just be us! We'll need a 'tutor' with experience." I imitate, "After all, were just 'naive chumps who know nothing'."

As if on cue, Mr. Bluffer walks in, jacket falling behind him. Why does he have to look so cool when he does something? I wanna look cool, too.

Thoma runs off screaming and Gemima appears in front of Mr. Bluffer.

"Ah, I was waiting for you, Mister! Let's make a deal." Emma gestures her hands openly.

"Let's start over, Mr. Bluffer. I'm (Y/N), you are?" I smirk leaning forward with hands behind my back.

"Mr. Blu- wha? Ugh, I don't care get out. I don't have to tell you my name." I let out a deep, exaggerated sigh and let Emma take over.

"Take a seat. Look, I'll take a seat as well." Emma pulls out a chair and takes a seat while the man stands, unmoved by the offer.

"Sorry we had to tie you up like that. To make up for it, we made you some soup. It's made from our own ingredients, as well, so we won't be a drain on your food supply! It's not poisoned and not bad, either."

Gilda had brings a bowl of soup and Emma takes a sip, proving there is no poison and hands it to the stubborn man. He sets it down on the table.

"We'll use our own food and even keep energy and space usuals to a minimum." I step in.

"And you figured I'd share my space with you? No way, get out." Mr. Bluffer rejects us blankly.

"No, that's not it. It's just courtesy, so we can start on the right foot. After all, you're not worried about resources, am I right?" Emma smiles.

"Let's get right to the point. We're going to meet with Minerva-san and you're going to be our body guard and guide." I propose with no intent of taking a no.

"No wa-"
"You should know, I don't take 'no' for an answer. You're strong, seeing as you've survived for thirteen years and you go out weekly to retrieve more food and other supplies. All this, by yourself." I interrupt.

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