«21 - Journey»

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Right out the door...
He Went At Full Speed!

I'm catching up, but Emma and Ray are really behind. This guy is definitely messing with us. Good thing I'm the opposite of Norman.

"Pick up the pace, will ya?" He giggles like a child.

Petty. I slow down a bit to chat with Emma and Ray. They look at me like I'm sort of super human.

"I've got stamina to spare. Why not use it?" I say, practically jogging.

"No joke, though, he's super fast. He's running that fast with a heavy gun like that. Guess adults are on another level, huh?" Emma says, looking straight ahead.

"You kids just suck at this!" He yells back with a smirk.
"He acts like a spoilt brat, though!" Ray complains. I giggle at Ray's frustration.

"I'm gonna go on ahead. Bye bye!"

I speed up, so that I'm somewhat in the middle of this sad excuse of a race.

"We gotta clear this area fast. This is the only place demon's conveniently avoid. I also don't wanna loiter around the shelter entrance like an idiot. After we get though here, don't wait up for anyone. Go ahead if it's clear." He explains, "We'll be heading straight east towards the forest. That's when the real search for Minerva begins."

While we were doing some reading and preparation, we found a map and planned our journey. Or what we wanted our journey to be. The map showed 'AO8-32' being in a lake called Goldy Pond.

There were tons of crosses on the map for a straight journey there. We assumed they were demon settlements. It would absolutely be a dangerous journey, but if it's the only way to keep our family safe, I'd risk everything for that cause!

Ray and Emma catch up to me as I keep a steady pace.

"After Gilda's ultimatum, that man is definitely planning to kill two of us, but not all. You've realised this, too. Right, (Y/N)?" Ray says, concentrating mostly on keeping up.

"All he's done is bluff about killing us, so far. It seems he prefers avoiding killing someone himself. He'd rather just leave them to die in a situation, but won't hesitate if it comes down to it." I theorise while looking straight ahead.

"I feel like deep down, he's not a bad person... he's just hurting... He's been alone for so long, he's given up all hope of overcoming it." Emma was probably right about that. From the state of that room, it wouldn't come as a surprise.

Emma is definitely naive. No doubt. But it's what we love about her... I won't hesitate to kill this man if he hurts anyone I love. I don't wanna see Ray suffer ever again. I don't wanna see Emma despair when she's the Sun in our life. I guess you could say I'm the Moon if Emma's the Sun. That's fine. I'll shine bright during the darkest hours. Wait, would that mean Ray is Dusk? The balance between night and day. Hmm.

As we slow down, we reach a forest. The trees were the height of, no, taller than the trees that surrounded the plantation. It blends into the night sky.

"Not a bad pace. Wastelands cleared." Mr. Bluffer says staring at the forest. He looks back at us, "We'll aim for a four day trip. Our goal is 'AO8-32'."

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