«47 - Involvement»

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*Emma's POV*


What time is it...

I shoot out of bed and run down the hallway.

Shoot! I overslept! Wait, why didn't anyone wake me up?!

I burst through the door, finding everyone hazily eating breakfast. Or at least preparing breakfast.
"Ah, good morning, Emma!"

"Sorry, I overslept!!" I shout.
"Us, too."

"At least you were able to wake up on time, right, Oliver?" Someone calls out.

Oliver giggles, as he gets up from his seat at the table, setting his book down.

"For once, we didn't have anything to worry about."
"It's would've been okay if you woke me up." I stressed.

"But everyone looked so comfortable while they were sleeping."

Being so at ease... We can really sleep and wake up, without worrying. For the first time in a while. Nonetheless, I feel too rested...

"I don't ever remember sleeping in a bed."
"Zack carries you to your bed." Ray informs.

Zack? He was awake?

"Thanks! What about Norman? And I don't see
(Y/N), either."

"By that time, Norman wasn't there, anymore.
(Y/N) was one of the people who woke up early. Who knows where she went in such a hurry."

"(Y/N) left in a hurry? I kinda wanted to talk to her later today, though..."

I'm sure (Y/N) is super worried about Norman's plan. I mean... knowing her, she probably thinks she'll be...

I need to let her know that I'll protect her with my life!

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"(Y/N), did you sleep well?" Norman asks.
"Yeah, first time in a um, long time." I respond, nervously.
"Hey, you never stutter on your words, unless you're nervous. What's wrong?"

How could he know that?! This boy...! Well, I guess it's obvious...

"Well um, Norman... during the time after the escape, you probably know, but we went to Goldy Ponds. Well, after that, Emma and I got hurt pretty bad. It took her four weeks if I can recall, to recover. I had worse injuries... and it took me one day, alone."

"(Y/N)... What are you getting at...?"

I'm really going to tell him! No backing out now. If I do, I'll be a coward...

"I was an experiment at LAMBDA. Not taken there like you. I was born in LAMBDA. I was deemed a failure and transferred over to Grace Field. In fact, my mother is still alive..."

"Wait, how do you even know this?! (Y/N)... I've read all the files in there and nowhere does it talk about you. There is no file for 50195."

"Like I said... I was deemed a failure. They probably got rid of my file or hid it to erase any and everything about my time there."

"What... was the experiment?"

I pause. Not as hesitation. But to ready myself for the worst case scenario. One wrong word and it's all over for me.

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