«45 - Norman»

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"This is our family, now!"
"It's gotten quite large. What a great family!"

"Hu...Huh? What do you mean?
"Wait what? Minerva was..."

"That's kid is from Emma's pictures..."
"Eh...? But that kid was..."

"You're alive?! The real thing?!"

Everyone murmurs amongst themselves, eventually taking the courage to even approach Norman.

"NORMAN!!" The younger if the group cry in Norman's embrace as our Goldy Pond friends stand on the sideline, conversing with each other.

"I'm so happy. You're alive!! You're alive!!"

"How nice... I'm so glad..." Goggles cries.

"Hey, Emma, Ray."

Ray is giving off an intense vibe... When will he ever learn.

"Ray. Cut it out, ya weirdo. I already gave him a nice greeting" I call out.

Completely ignored, it's as if an ultimate showdown were going on. Ray and Norman face each other at last.

I can even hear the breeze sweeping the room, through the window.

"Ray..." Norman calls, softly.
"Ray, don't you dare." I chuckle under my breath.

Ray walks up to Norman, a calming nature dominating his steps.

Without a care, he slaps Norman with a sound echoing, as I laugh and point, like a child.

Everyone else just stares at Ray, as if he's crazy. Well, he probably is crazy, but not for this 'action'.

"How awful. To get payback without so much as greeting. You and (Y/N) truly do belong together."

That instantly shuts me up.
"Norman!! I'm gonna kill you, again!" I scream, tackling him.

As Norman's laughter closes, he stares at Ray, again.

"Looks like you were able to find something important to you."

Ray pauses before answering.
"Yeah... Thanks to you. I'm so glad you're alive...!"

Ray embraces us in a warm hug, filled with a happy sorrow.

"Don't ever die, again, you dumb Norman." His voice sounds almost as shaky as Emma's.
"Yeah... got it. You idiot, Ray."

Hey! Callinh Ray an idiot is my thing, you idiot Norman.

But... It really pains me to see my family so sad like this, but when you look at why they're sad, it's worth it.

We all recover, with the younger ones helping wipe away our tears and the Goldy Pond squad talking to Norman and filling him in on our situation with the Ratri Clan and the... the Shelter.


"I see... Phil and the rest are still at the house... But, everyone... you all did well. I'm happy that I can meet everyone form Grand Valley, from the bottom of my heart... and sorry. If I could've found the Shelter's location quicker, or sensed the raid coming..."

"Doubt yourself again and I'll knock some sense into you, Norman." I crack my knuckles and stare at Norman with a cynical smile to let him know I'm serious.

He looks back at me, ready to back away, if needed.
"You've changed a lot, (Y/N)! I'm glad!" He smiles.

Flustered, I run into the corner and sit, facing away from everyone.

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