«23 - Taken»

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(Warning!! Mr. Asshole swears a lot)

"We're gonna have a chat, Mister."

As Emma approaches Mr. Asshole, tension builds up, rapidly.

She wants to convince this man that there is no reason to fight anymore.

Ray obviously disapproves as Mr. Asshole wants to kill us, but Emma is much to stubborn for that.

"You want to... save me...? What the hell are you on about?" Mr. Asshole stutters.

"It's strange, the more I think about it, the more I realise that... we have no reason to be enemies. We're both escapees. I really want to reach an understanding here and I think that we can if we try. It would be much more beneficial to both parties, so let's do it. Let's talk it out!"

"Annoyin' B*tch! You wanna save me?! The hell do you think... Quit f*ckin' around, you sh*tty, long-haired b*tch! I hate you! All of you! Now get the f*ck out of here!"

I step forward steaming from this asshole's attitude.

How dare he talk to Emma like that when all she wants to do is help him!

Ray holds my arm, bringing me back to my senses. I look over at him as he smiles.

He believes in Emma's Talk no Jutsu.
(Did I just do that? Yes, I did.)

My body relaxes as we wait for Emma's reply. This is her way of fixing this situation, so I'll leave it to her.

"NO!" Her shout startled Mr. Asshole, but he was asking for it. With an attitude like that, you can't hold Emma back.

"I don't care if we're hated or killed, but I can't just ignore this. Let's just stop! Stop the useless hiding and running away. Nothing will be solved this way and I don't want that. I don't wanna leave you on bad terms, so we are gonna talk whether you like it or not!"

"Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?!"

"It was painful wasn't it? You had a great family. You and your comrades. You loved all of them, didn't you, but when they died, you were in pain... You became cold, frustrated, but most of all, desperate. You suffered so much on your own... for years... Everyday, you felt like you were being torn apart by those emotions."

"What the hell do you think you know about me... You're just a..."

"I don't know anything about you, so I have to guess. All I can do is guess. Your an older man who lost everything... your comrades, your sanity... I can't just say, 'I understand your pain' without truly understanding it. But the reality is that I actually do understand. We're exactly alike, aren't we? Me and the old you, our family and your comrades? That's why you feel pain when you see us. It was so agonisingly painful that you even pulled a gun on us. But what you wanted to get rid of from your life wasn't us, it was your old self. Killing us may be a temporary distraction, but after that, it'll just come flooding back in. Nothing will change! You'll still despair in the end! That's not good, so let's change that!"

"Change what? And how? It doesn't matter, since you can't change the past. My comrades are still dead and they won't be comin' back. I don't care if killing you will be a temporary distraction. Your face just makes me wanna puke. Yeah, that's right, you're exactly what I used to be like. You're the same as me. You can't save them. You can't change this hellish reality. You're going to save me? Good one. What the hell do you think you can really do?"

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