«34 - D528-143»

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The journey to D528-143 took approximately 52 days. Longer than I had anticipated... Just over 7 weeks.

We encountered a lot of demons and handled ourselves quite well. I showed Don and Gilda the ropes and how to survive. We, also, memorised tons of maps, so we wouldn't have to bring one.

Violet and Zack were pretty shocked as to how easy it was for us, but you can't blame us. Our tests were extremely hard to finish with top scores compared to the other special farms.

We passed by a couple places which I had been to before. Some of which, the trees that had once rained over the terrain, had fallen, being cut in half.


"What happened here?" Emma whispers to herself.
"Hm? Oh, this was all me." I reply. I get all sorts of looks, but if I were to keep my promise to Gilda, I couldn't keep secrets like this.

"What do you mean... this was all you?" Don asks, stopping in place.
"Well... you know how I am part demon, right? And I possess increased strength, regeneration and so on. I'll let you figure out the rest." I explain, walking off in the direction of D528-143.

"Wait, but why? It couldn't have been training, right?" Ray enquires.
"You're right. I had a couple of, how do I put it... Uncontrollable moments. Sung-Jae has to knock me unconscious to stop my rampage. It's under control, of course." I reassure the group, as we continue our journey.

A few minutes later, Violet breaks the silence.

"Where are we, Emma?" Cat Eyes asks. Emma pulls out the pen to reveal the co-ordinates, 'A09-03'.
"Still a long way to go." I comment.


On the hologram, showed the co-ordinates... 'D528-143'.
"We're here...! This is Khavitidala?"

The terrain is flat with ruins swarming the area. They dominate the plane as well as, crumble into the ground. Some are standing atop of each other, surprisingly, considering that these ruins must be, at least, 1000 years old. The soil is grainy and
dessert-like with small pebbles here and there.

"Boulders... They're ruins?" Emma gasps.
"'There exists a dragon in Khavitidala, whose eyes can see everything. Everyone desired its eyes, rushing to Khavitidala. The dragon village of Khavitidala.' That's what was written in the old manuscript." Ray repeats.

"Could there really be a dragon, though...?" Don chuckles nervously.
"No way it could be something like that..." Gilda joins adds, "That's what I want to say, but I just don't know anymore. In reality, demons could occupy this place..."

"The world is much more vast than we thought, but I think the only mythical creature that exists are demons. We won't have to worry too much about dragons and dungeons." I pat Gilda's back to comfort her troubled mind.

"At the very least, we can't see anybody, right now. Or any kind of town." Violets adds, looking at the positives.

"All that's left here are big stones. It just seems to be old ruins." Zack chips in.
"I wonder what these ruins are of..." Don questions, under his ragged breath.

As we spread out to look for clues, I spot Emma heading towards a ruin with a strange symbol.

It is that of an arrow pointing to the right. I turn to that direction to find another ruin with an eye on it, this time.

Emma touches the symbol as I grab her back. Doing so, my fingers grace her necklace and I'm taken into a dream-like state.

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