«7 - Truth Revealed»

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I headed out to check on Don and Gilda and found Phil waiting.

"Hey, Phil! Did they do anything strange?"
"They told me to distract Mama."

"Listen to them, okay? I'll have it handled." I smile and leave as Phil runs over to Mama.

Dammit! I knew something like this would happen. I stomped over to Mama's room and opened the door. Don and Gilda were about to unlock the door.

I knew there was no stopping them, so I did the next best thing.

"I'm coming with you guys." I demanded. Don and Gilda looked at each other and,
"We can't let you do that." Don blurts.

"And why not, Don?"
"You're gonna stop us half-way through or if it gets any more dangerous." He argued.

"That's why I should come, isn't it? Our plan doesn't need this! Why are you risking everything?!"
"(Y/N)... Maybe you should distract Mama and stop her looking at the transmitter..." Gilda pitched in.

She had a point, but I don't see why we have to go through this at all!

I sighed,
"I'll at least stop Ray, Norman and Emma from finding out. It won't help much, though." I left, knowing Don and Gilda wouldn't give up.

As I was set the table, Ray, Norman and Emma walked in and looked around. They approached me looking worried.

"Where's Don and Gilda?" Ray asked.
"I don't know." If I had told them the truth, Ray would freak out.

I stalled them for a couple minutes. I thought it was enough time, but they definitely knew.


"We were in Mama's secret room." Don started. It was around midnight and everyone had already gone to sleep.

"Don pickpocketed Mama." Gilda added. So that was how they got the key. Cheeky, I liked it.

"Did Mama notice?" Norman questioned.
"I don't think so. We gave the key back before she could check."

"This is why you shouldn't have gone!" Ray spouted, "What If Mama and Sister finds out?!"

"What?! What would happen, Ray?" Don looked so serious and his tone had changed.

They must've seen what was in the basement, "Would we... die?"

"You're all liars! You don't know what happened to our siblings? What a load of bull crap!"

"Don, there was a reason we didn't tell you." I added.
"What is it then, (Y/N)?! Do you not trust us?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Emma hugged Don apologising. I should've just gone with them.

Maybe then, I could've explained everyone without the others there.
"Spit it out! What's the truth?!" Don demanded.

We explained everything. The demons, the farm and how we are cattle, Mama the Shepard and Ray the sheep dog.

"You knew what would happen to Connie... to all our siblings! That you would be leading us into a world of enemies without us knowing!!" He walked up to Norman and punched him.

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