«33 - Allies»

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I stand before the entrance to Shelter B06-32, after six long weeks. Anxiety swirled inside me as I thought of the possible outcomes.

What do I say...? For my Grace Field family, we haven't seen each other for 9 weeks... that around two months. I haven't seen the Goldy Pond kids for six weeks. What do I tell them?! The truth... I'll always tell them the truth, now. I can do this!

I take a deep breath and place my hand on the hatch. As I open it, immediately, I'm greeted by everyone. The security camera...!

I jump down and receive hugs from almost everyone! I missed this...

"Welcome Home, (Y/N)!" They all greeted.
"I'm home, Everyone!"


After explaining everything I learned in the last couple weeks, I give everyone a couple minutes to process everything.

"Who cares? That just means we'll have more fire power!" Ray breaks the cold silence.
"Heh, guess you'd say that... Sleepyhead!" I tease.
Ray charges at me, playfully as I jump around, avoiding him.

"So, now that, that's settled, can we address what's happened since I left? What the situation?" Tension surfaces, thick as fog.

"Well, Emma's up and around, as you can see. We've all recovered from Goldy Ponds and we have contacted our allies. We have a five step plan. First, we contact our allies then, we find the 'Seven Walls'. I'm assuming you know about it." Rays explains.
"Yeah, I was there in that underground lake." I reply, before allowing Emma to take over.

"After the 'Seven Walls', we meet ಕೇತ್ರ and forge a new promise with ಕೇತ್ರ. After returning, we pick up Phil and the others and escape to the human world. Any disagreements?" Emma finishes.

"Nope! Sounds perfect, but do you understand the concept of the 'Seven Walls'? Do you know how the promise works? How come people haven't tried to forge a new promise previously? Other than that, I think it's a great starter plan that we can develop!" I analyse.

"So, what's this about allies? Have you found that room?" I ask.
"We contacted them a week ago, but there's still no reply. We always have one person in the room at all times, in case the ally contacts us." Ray explains.
"Smart, take me there."


We climb down a ladder into a room beneath the shelter. The room is mostly empty, excluding a chair, which Cat Girl is sat in. There's also a telephone on the wall.

We fill her in on what I was doing and where for the past six weeks. She accepted me and punched in the side for,
"-not telling us where you were going!"


"Anything from our allies?" Emma asks, while Ray settles into the, now, empty chair.
"No word while I was here. Also, really boring." Cat Girl reports.

"There's a possibility our allies might be, umm, gone from this world, you know. Although, it's unlikely... There's also the possibility of the ally becoming an enemy in order to survive, like Ray did back when we were at the house, although he had another reason." I sigh, as the thoughts circulate through my brain.

"We've taken a lot of safety measures, but, naturally, some risk still remains. Plus, it's been 15 years since Minerva left that message. There's no telling the situation until we get that call." Ray says, ignoring my mention of his past actions.

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