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"Ray? Why does Mama give us to the monsters?"
"She doesn't want to die. It's her way of staying alive, but we'll find a better way, okay?"

I wake up to Ray holding me. It kinda felt warm and comforting. It's been a long time since we slept in the same bed, or pile of books here. I try to get away without waking Ray. I'm pretty hungry.

I get up and,
"Had to wake me up, didn't you?" Rays says, sitting up from his place.

"Had to cuddle with me, didn't you?" I say teasingly. Ray turns red and looks away.
"I was tired, idiot." He replies.

I laugh and run off to take a shower. Oh, how I've missed having a hot shower.

After the bath, everyone gathers together to eat breakfast. We're wearing new clothing, some too big for the under 7s. I decide to wear a boy's uniform since I never did favour the skirts.

My stomach grumbles as I walk over to the table.
"Morning, Emma!" I say running over to her. I tackle her to the ground and giggle.

"You're extra cheery today. Had some fun with Ray?" She says getting up and walking away as if never saying anything.

"Huuuuuh?!" Everyone stares at me and I get flustered and rush to the table.


"Thank you for the food!"

"This shelter is pretty impressive." Rays says looking around the room, "There's a working toilet, hot water and even an indoor garden."

"Mr. Minerva must really have strong connections to both worlds to accomplish a feat like this." I say, admiring the shelter.

"We won't be lacking in food or electricity if we're careful. Even if we do run out of electricity, there's a backup. The water is drawn from a large underground reserve." Ray explains.

"Food supplies aren't lacking either! And that guy has been at 'em for thirteen years!" Don says, stuffing his mouth with food.

"So this is pretty much a place we can live." Emma whispers to herself.

"This would make a great 'Base of Operation'." I say as I begin eating breakfast.

"Minerva is gone, that mysterious man wants us out and we still have our pursuers out there, but apart from those issues, we can bring everyone else here." I say, munching on a buttered toast.

"There are plenty of questions, but right now, we're safe. We're clean. And we're happy." Emma says clapping her hands together.


As I wander around the shelter, I find a piano and some music sheets. I run up to it and play some songs. There was a piano in the attic of Grace Field. I would sometimes sneak up there and play. Mama knew and decided to let me to have some fun before the age of 12.

I really loved playing. As I'm playing, some of the others follow to source of the music. We all take turns playing. It truly is wonderful, but the piano was a little out of tune. Guess that's fine seeing as this shelter must be pretty old.

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