«41 - Jaws of the Lion»

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Bam. Bam. Bam.

Three bullets were shot. As I fall into someone's embrace, I look behind me to find Andrew with bullets pierced into his elbow, shoulder and hand. His joints were destroyed and may I say, perfectly.

The ones who shot the bullets, were Emma, Lucas and Zack. I had fallen into Ray's warm hug, being half-carried back to the safety of my family.

"Damn it..."

Emma runs outs to grab Dominic, blinded by fear. He's laying on the ground, barely keeping his cries of pain inside. I try to scream her name, but no words come out. All that energy I stored up... is this the effect of it?


"Are you sure about this, (Y/N)? We don't know what the consequences will be." Rays says, crossing his arms.

We're in the forest, on high alert, to test out a skill I discovered. Eиєяgу Stσяιиg.

"Yeah, this could be incredibly useful. The ability to store energy and use it for increase in regeneration, speed or strength... I should prioritise mastering it!" I say, getting into a stance.

We practise for hours a day, until I'm able to store 3/4 of my energy, at a time. In comparison, it's enough to power almost 2kg of TNT.

*Flashback End*

Energy Storing most likely loses some energy in the process, causing fatigue. Once I use all of the energy I've stored, I'll pass out, but I'll be completely healed.

I look back to Andrew. He was about to trample Dominic to death, but Ray raised his gun to aim for the bastard's head.

"DIEEE!! YOU PIGS ARE MEANT TO BE EATEN!!" He screamed, before a demon, as if on cue, jumps outs to eat Andrew.

Emma grabs Dominic, shielding him as I run out and lead Emma and Dominic to safety.

The demon bites Andrew's body in half and a wave of pleasure and relief rushes over me. It kinda scares me...

"Now our chance! Run!!" Don calls, as Andrew's yelps fade out.


"No way... Even Yuugo and and Lucas..."
"They're dead...?"
Quiet chatter travels among us, as we mourn the death of our caretakers.

"It was an honourable end for them... Protecting all of us until their last breath..."

Honourable? I guess, but protecting us... You can't reverse the past, so I just hope they found their friends... We'll definitely change the world, for you...!

Gillian breaks down onto the ground crying. As if a chain reaction, we all start crying, wails staining the tunnel.

"It's okay to cry, for now... Just for now." I tell the kids around me, as I sit lay against a wall, balling my eyes out.


As we recover, Ray approaches me.

"I know. The owl is a camera... If I had noticed earlier, maybe we could've prevented this."
"Don't blame yourself. None of us realised. It's our fault as a whole. Don't shoulder the burden."

"Me, shouldering the burden? How did you even get this badly injured? Did you go in... to the shelter...?"

"...Of course not! The explosion happened, right in front of me. And that bastard shot me twice..." I whisper the last part, "Go on, you gotta get rid of that owl. Don't wanna keep people waiting!" I usher him away, ready to go to bed.

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