«4 - The New Adult»

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We spent the entirety of the next day completing boring chores for Mama.

Does Mama suspected us or is this just a way of smoking out the rebel?

That thought kept entering and leaving my mind.

Don kept complaining about not being able to play the whole time and Gilda had to take him outside to calm him down. It was hard to think, but thanks to Gilda, my mind was peaceful.

When dinner time came, Mama called everyone to dinner early. We waited five or so minutes for Mama to show up.

When she finally did, shock overcame my expression... there was another adult and a new sibling as well.

The new sibling was introduced as Carol and the adult as Sister Krone, supposedly here to help with chores. The real reason was to force us into backing down. Good thing I was stubborn. We'll take your crown and get out of here.


We didn't have do anymore chores today, so we went outside to plan our next move. When we got to Ray's reading tree, Norman punched it. I felt how frustrated he was for being outsmarted, but avoiding the new adult was impossible.

"Things aren't looking great." Ray started, "I also don't like that she moved into that room." The room Sister Krone moved into was right between all the bedrooms on the second floor.

"All those chores we did weren't so random after all..." I said leaning against the tree, "We just prepared for our second enemy without knowing it."

That was what came out of my mouth, but my mind was saying,
What will you do now, Emma?

Norman began to call out all the mistakes and things we missed. It was frustrating. The thing that made me feel special and I couldn't even pay attention to those small clues we were given. It was like Mama was mocking us. How naive could we get...?

"This could actually be a gain," I turned around as Ray spoke those words. I knew what he meant when he said them.

Carol would've had a fresh scar from getting a tracker implanted into her and Sister Krone was a large source of information.

This was the best opportunity we could get.


There we were, back in the forest once again. With the newest update to our 'situation', we had to get away to discuss the newly fed information.

I decided, I would go back to Mama after a bit with an excuse to keep her busy. It would mean missing out on discussion, but if it meant being able to help, I'd do anything.

"We need to figure out where those two came from," Emma began.
"Carol is Connie's replacement, so they've basically restocked the farm's supply." Norman suggests.

"Then, there should be source that the demons and adults are producing babies from and since she just came, she might still have a scar from the tracker being implanted." I said, giving my theories before getting ready to leave.

"I'll get going now. I'll see you at the house in 10 minutes?" Emma gave me a thumbs up and I decided to leave while thinking up my excuse to keep Mama busy. I don't want to make a single mistake from this point.

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