«29 - Plan in Action»

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(Y/N)'s POV:


Emma hits a bullseye with the guns we've been testing out. Our preparation has been going pretty steady and we've gotten better at using weapons.

I learnt how to use the guns and the 'Perfect Stance' for using Sword-Based weapons. Lucas gave me some throwing knives from the Shelter that he had kept with him seeing as it's the best choice for long-range for me.

I raise the throwing knife, holding it at a precise 180 Degrees. Throwing it, I watch as it slices through the warm, summer air, penetrating the paper target's centre. Headband whistles in amusement from beside us. Headband and Glasses approach our scene with supplies at hand.

"We've finished our part of the prep." He says, blankly.

"Emma, (Y/N), did you find any weapons that suit you?" Glasses asks, with the same blank expression as Headband.

"Yup! I love the feel of these throwing knives!" I say, holding them up, one in each hand.

"Yeah, I think I can handle these two guns." Emma replies, easing her two guns.

"That's great!" Headband encourages, a smile forming on his gentle face and holding the paper target, as grey smoke from Emma's shot emits from the material.

Emma looks down to the side, before saying something.

"You all... know how to kill them, right?" The orange-haired girl looks back, looking directly into the eyes of those before her, as they tense and relax again.

"Yes, we know. But they have no idea that we know how to destroy them... nor that we will." Afro says, holding one of the guns.

"As far as they can tell, we're just small game, running about helplessly. And we made sure they'd think that way." Glasses says, staring intensely at the gun at hand.

"Only use self defence and acquire information at any cost. We've been preparing this counter attack in secret all this time. For the sake of this plan, we have lost comrades... but everything comes down to Lucas' plan. We know how strong they are, but we will win!"

"Right... though, ya'll gotta take them seriously, ya hear? Especially that one guy, Archduke Lewis."

Lewis... the demon who killed three children without thinking twice. Guess that's every demon, but he's much smarter. Lewis has smarts equivalent to that of Ray or Norman... Nah, maybe Lucas. Norman and Ray could trick Lewis, although not easily, of course.

"Did they tell about Lucas' friends, yet?" Glasses investigates, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"His original group managed to stand up to them, for a while." Afro begins to tell Lucas' story about this group of friends, most likely about Mr. Asshole.

"Lucas' best pal was chosen as their leader and he did pretty well. They handled their weapons and were super strategic. They survived this hunting park without losing a single live."

Best pal, leader? Is he talking about Mr. Asshole? So that's why he went crazy, he lead them their deaths, right?

"They were an awesome team!"
"They were on another level." Headband and Glasses comment.

"...But, in the instant they caught Lewis' eye... They Were Annihilated." Afro says, watching Emma and I flinch.

Annihilated... we know this, so why such shock? Was it... Lewis, who killed them? Emma... I'll make sure she survives, no matter what!

"He went after their friends one by one, toying with them before killing them. It was like slowly wrenching a toddler's arm, while grinning in the face of the guardian." Headband visualises.

"He was doing it to provoke their leader, Lucas' best friend... to fan the flames of his rage. He wanted to draw out a real killer." Glasses explains, "He did all this for the thrill of the hunt, mind you."

"He's extremely dangerous and a total maniac. His strategy is completely unpredictable. If our plan were to go off the rails, he'd be the one to de-rail it." Headband takes over the explanation.

Fan the flames of his rage... draw out a real killer? This is bullshit! You're telling me that man went through all this... God Dammit! Lewis is most likely doing the same to Emma. I wanna scream out so bad! Lewis...!


"Come, everyone! Food is ready!"
We begin handing out food to the people in this hunting ground. I watch as Emma walks away with two bowl of soup, most likely for... Theo...

I haven't spoken to him at all. I couldn't bring myself to do so. Usually I could, but he reminds me of what could happen to me. If I ever lost Emma and Ray, I wouldn't be able to bear it, even if they stab me in the back. I mean, I deserve it for stabbing them in the back... right?

After ten minutes pass by, Mini Lucas calls everyone to discuss the plan. Before anyone has the chance to gather, the speakers play that wretched music, signalling our impending death...

"No... the music..." Mini Lucas whispers as I sense the arrival of the demons, "What's happening? It's only been one day... it's too soon!"

"No way!" Beanie and Emo whimper in the background.

"Everyone assume positions and gather your weapons! The poachers are coming!"

Everyone runs off in different directions. The smaller children who couldn't fend for themselves hid in the tunnel with Lucas and others in the houses. Emma, Oliver and I hid behind a wall near a staircase.

Before we all ran, Mini Lucas had organised us.


"Everyone stay clam, they've come a bit early, but we're ready for them! We'll follow the plan and put an end to this! We're as prepared as we can get, so don't worry! I want you all to imagine it with me, by this time tomorrow, we'll all be free. All of us, at last! Our freedom has come to us a day earlier. Sound great, dontcha think? Stay sharp, we'll win this for humankind!"

*Flashback End*

That brings us to now, pretty much.

The plan is to bring all the kids to the windmill and hide them in the secret passage with Lucas and Adam guarding. The other eleven of us will be split into four squads. The demons organise themselves into four groups led by...
Lewis, Bayon, Nous and Nouma, and Luce.

Oliver and Emma will lure Lewis in and keep him occupied for 15 minutes by leading him around. They won't be attacking him, not yet. They would just be luring his attention away from the rest of us.

Mini Lucas had an idea to distract Lewis for at least 15 minutes, while the rest of us would deal with the other groups and rejoin with Emma and Oliver to take down Lewis together.

I objected to Emma being in such danger, but she convinced me that it would be better to stick with another group. We have great athletic ability and it's only fair to spread that out, she said.
I was put into the group dealing with Bayon.


As I spot Bayon, I put on my hood and catch his attention. I run into the forest and run around as if I were flailing. I do my best to stay ahead of Bayon, without losing him until he corners me with his henchmen.

They were most likely looking for Emma, seeing as they probably know about her being from Grace Field by now. I haven't shown myself well, so they have no clue I'm a premium grade from Grace Field.

"No luck, eh?" One of the henchman say, after I pull my hood down.

I take out a whistle and blow. It's the signal for the plan to begin. In the distance, an explosion reaches out to the sky as I take my leave.

(1298 Words)

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