«36 - Getting Out»

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As soon as the door blasts open, we were already in the Amoury, tucked away into the shadows of the shelter.

"Is everyone here? No one's hurt?" Emma confirms, huddling our family.
"Just did a head count. 59 out of 61 are here. Only Rossi and Lucas are not here." Gilda informs.

"Rossi... it's not safe! I need-" I start.
"You are not going out there. Not while I'm around..." Ray grabs my hand as his eyes gleam with passion. Scary.

"Anyway, how did they find this place, when we're always so vigilant with them...?" Anna thinks out loud.

"Well... on the camera, they appeared out of nowhere, almost. I'm sure they weaved themselves through the camera's blind spots, but to do that, you have to know the exact location of them..." I ramble.

"It's okay, what are the enemy's numbers?" Oliver asks.
"Eight, as far as we could see." Pepe replies.

"Is Rossi with Lucas...?" I ask, after Ray calms me down.

"Yeah, he was worried about Lucas' bad leg. They're in the Secret Room. As long as that's where they are, they'll be able to hide, without being found." Pepe informs me.

I sigh in relief, as a small weight falls off my shoulders.

*Andrew's POV*
(Andrew is the pursuer.)

They're not here...? Have they already run away? Did they find out we were coming? No, that's not it. The tea pot is still warm.

"Any movement from above?" I ask the soldier stationed outside the entrance.
"Negative." He replies, over the radio.

They haven't gone outside. No doubt they're still around. Somewhere inside of this shelter...

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Hiding. Even if we remain hidden, it'll only be a matter of time before they find us, Dammit.

"We have to run away... The enemy know about this place, now. It's no good." I suggest, as Emma gets up.

"They sent eight men to attack us. In all likelihood, the Ratri Clan must know about this place." Yuugo adds.

"So, we're throwing away this shelter..." One kids confirms.
"Our home..." Another trembles.
"The fields that we made togeth-"
"Our lives are more important." Yuugo interrupts.

We already assumed this could happen. That's why we've prepared for the worst case scenario! We've got supplies hidden in every room and we even hid weapons throughout all the rooms.

There are three ways to leave or enter this shelter. The entrance/exit we usually use, and two other secret routes, hidden in tunnels beneath this shelter.

There are seven ways to enter these tunnels. The back of the armoury, which we are using now, the north hallway, the monitor room, the archive room, the bathroom, the south hallway and the secret telephone room. All these pathways are hidden, so the intruders shouldn't know about them.

Our current objective is to get to the tunnels Sung-Joo and Musica made. But, if we concentrate on that alone, it could blind us to our surroundings.

"Everybody ready?" Gilda asks, rhetorically.
"Fortunately, the enemy carried out their surprise attack at night. This is better for us. We should be able to use the darkness to our advantage to escape. If we spend a day walking, we should be able to make it to the East forest." Ray informs us.

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