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A/N: There are gonna be a couple of time skips in this chapter. Sorry about that.

*Time Skip: 1 Year 7 Months after the collapse of Goldy Pond - September 2047*
*Third Person*

"Did you hear? Another plantation has been attacked."
"Where at?"
"Bayon's Mass Production Plant 2."
"Recently, the 'thefts' seem to be increasing. But you know, aren't those guys only satisfied by high-quality meat? Why are they striking the mass production plants?"
"Well, that's because stealing from high-quality farms with their security is near impossible."
"So, all they're doing is venting anger at those nobles...?"
"I feel bad for the Bayon family."

Gossip chatters around the village, inhabited by demons.

"It already been over a year since the Lord vanished."
"Do you think that disappearance could be their doing...?"
"Idiot! Don't say such strange things."
"But, I really do want to try it,at least once. High quality farm meat."

"I wonder if those Grace Field escapees are still hiding away."
"Ha! People have been talking about them for two years now. They've been dead for ages."

*1 Year 8 Months after the Grace Field escape*
*Escapees' Perspective*

It's been a year and eight months since we escaped the Grace Field farm. We're all alive and well. We expanded our crop fields, so we can stay hidden inside, as often as possible.

Thanks to that, the Ratri family's assault is going how they wanted. But our supporters, even up until now, haven't contacted us. We're still moving forward with finding the Seven Walls. After that... (Y/N)'s group came back from Khavitidala.


*Time Skip: Four Months after setting out for Khavitidala*
*(Y/N)'s Perspective*

The journey back was pretty calm with me staying up as lookout. It took us around 15 weeks to get back to B06-32 from D528-143.

Getting back, we immediately start looking for the Temple and Golden Water in books.
"Are they clues?" One of the smaller kids ask.
"So if we find these two things, we can find Khavitidala?" Another child confirms.

"Let's see... A book with a description of where the Temple could be." Ray thinks to himself.

"Oh, in the first shelf, second row from the top, the 5th and 7th books from the left. And in the 4th row, 10th book from the left. On the second shelf, in the top row, the 9th and 15th books from the left. As well as, the 4th shelf, 3rd row from the top." I remind Ray.
"Thanks, you idiot." Ray teases.

"He called her an idiot even after she named all those books' position before he could. Grace Field is scary." Someone whispers in the background.

"Let's narrow down the possible locations of the Temple based on its shape, topography and cultures we've seen so far." Ray commands.

"Don't forget the golden water!" Emma shouts, with the kids cheering in the background.


*Past Tense*

After two weeks of research and preparation, me, Ray, Emma, Don and Gilda went on another expedition to find the Temple and Golden Water.

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