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A/N: A TPN Crack 'cause why not?

Things are about to get OP and complicated! Keep up if you can!

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Time Skip: Four Weeks
Emma's POV

My eyes flutter open, weakly, as I scan at my surroundings.

Huh? A house? Is this a dream? Could I really be...?

I look before me to find my family, waiting for me to regain consciousness. Everyone except...

"What... Gilda? Everyone?" I say, weakly still trying to understand the situation.
"That's right..." Ray says. Only now did I realise Ray was holding my hand. It means a lot, seeing as he mostly bonded with (ꪗ/ꪀ).

"Emma~! You had us worried sick!" Everyone jumped onto me, causing to groan.
"You weren't getting up, so we thought you were dead~" One of them cries.
"Is everyone... okay?" Everyone remains quiet for a moment until Lucas and Goldy Pond kids answers.

"Yeah, some of them still can't move, but we got everyone here!"
"Welcome home, Emma." Gilda welcomes.
"I'm back!" I reply with a large, eye-closed smile on my face.

I spot Mister in the background. He looks kinder. I'm glad he found Lucas!
"Hey, Mister..."
"Damned brats! Grow up already!" He yells.
"Thank you for saving me!" I reply, watching him freak out.
"No, I'm... sorry for... so much..." He looks away disappointed in himself.

"I'll introduce myself, again, I'm Emma!" I introduce. Mister looks up and smiles.
"My name is 𝚈𝚞𝚞𝚐𝚘." He replies and we smile.
"Nice to meet you, Yuugo... Sir?"
"That seems different!" One of my family reply.


When I woke up, it seemed four weeks had passed since leaving the hunting ground. Ray came with Yuugo-san to help carry (Y/N). But Sandy and Paula still can't move...

(Y/N)... Ray told us (Y/N) ran away straight after she woke up. She woke up the day after leaving the Hunting Ground, which was impressive. Apparently, before she left, she told Ray that she would be back and to wait for her. I'll trust her decision, since (Y/N) would never pull a stunt like this without a good reason.

I was asleep for four whole weeks, I can't stay still! I need to show them what I found out!

"Gilda, gather everyone! There's something I need to discuss."

I told everyone about the lake beneath Goldy Pond and showed them what I found. They took it pretty well.

"I've got a plan to save Phil and the others."

*(Y/N)'s POV*
*The day (Y/N) woke up*

My eyes shakily open and close as I regain consciousness. I look out the window to see that it's night.

How long have I been out? Are we back at the Shelter? What happened after Ray took me to the Windmill in Goldy Pond? Emma and Ray...

Questions racing through my mind, I pull the blanket from on top of me. I had bandages covering my torso and wrapping around my shoulder as well as, a black top revealing my (S/C) shoulders and black leggings, going up to my ankles. The bandages were slightly stained with blood, but nothing hurt. Does that mean it's been a few weeks?

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