«26 - Lucas»

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"I'm Lucas."


Lucas?! As in the 'Lucas' who was apart of Mr. Asshole's dead friend group? The one that was supposed to be dead?! How is he alive?

And he's been hiding here all this time...? Did he survive when they arrived here, and hid al this time?

"You've got a pen, right? Let's talk about... William Minerva." My thoughts are interrupted by Lucas' question.

Of course he would know about the pen, but why would he need it? Is there a another secret in this place that requires a pen?

That means I was right to keep hope for Minerva-san! We'll be able to return to the shelter with something! A way to leave this world and enter the human side!

"Mr. Assh-" Emma covers my mouth to stop me from talking. I take the hint and remove her hand from my mouth.

"Did she just say 'Mr. Asshole'?" Gillian questions.
"(Y/N) is the weird type." Emma covers up.

I elbow her in the side for calling me weird and she pouts. I laugh a little before turning my attention back to Lucas.

"We'll be taking our leave." Oliver, who gives me Lucas vibes, announces.

"Thanks." Everyone leaves apart from myself and Emma.

I think I'll rename Oliver to Mini Lucas. It suits him. Hopefully, he doesn't die...

"Umm, are you from Glory Bell? Did you come from Shelter B06-32?" Emma asks, letting her curiosity get the best of her.

"Are you a friend of Mr. Asshole?" I ask. He laughs at the nickname I had given him and gave a sad smile.

"The gear you're wearing, I figured you'd be from the shelter. I'm terrified of asking since it's been over 13 years, but... Is that guy still alive...?" Lucas turns to face us fully with a look of determination. I nod, with a warm smile on my face.

"I see... That's great! I'm happy, that's great!" He cheer, as a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Losing your family...I can't imagine how badly it would hurt me. I hope that asshole knows his friend is still alive.

"Looking at me must put you off... Sorry about that." Lucas starts.

"Nah, it's fine. It'll be great to see the look on the asshole's face when he finds out your alive." I reply, "If we're lucky, he'll tell us his name." I say, my eyes lighting up with hope. Lucas laughs and Emma continues.

"You know, he thought you were dead. He thought all of your friends were dead."

"I'm the only survivor... everyone else in our family had died, back then. I even thought I was dead, myself..."

He pauses for a long moment. It's like he is lost in thought, probably looking back at his memories.

He looks back at us with a serious expression.

"There was a girl I didn't know... Infact, I'd never seen her seen face before. The girl told me, she had been hiding for a very long time. She had been playing hide and seek with the monsters, so she could help me escape. It's thanks to her that I'm here, alive. The monster probably think I escaped with that guy. I've kept my hiding for 13 years now. I've become the 'Man That Isn't There'. The only ones who know of my existence is Adam, the nine kids from before and you two."

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