«2 - Their Plan»

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It was the moment of truth.

I woke up earlier than usual and made breakfast with Norman. I took in his expression and body language.

He seemed calm and collected like usual. It was a bit hard to tell if he had actually got to the gate and saw the truth or if he and Emma didn't make it in time.

They said they hadn't gotten there, but they didn't come back with Little Bunny.

I had set the plates on the dining table as Norman brought the food on a tray with little ones racing past. I looked over my shoulder to see Emma approaching and I immediately studied her body language and facial expressions.

She was definitely different. Her posture was slightly more tiresome and her eyes indicated a lack of sleep. Her attitude towards the younger ones are the same, but I knew for sure once Mama arrived.

I finished setting down the plates and distributing the food when Mama walked in and I kept my eye on Emma. Her body tensed up as soon as she saw Mama. I guess that answered my questions.

I turned my attention to Norman who was just slightly shook by Mama's arrival. Although, you wouldn't notice it unless you were really concentrating like me.

All my siblings took a seat in their chairs and after Mama said her usual prayer, we ate.

The day went by as any other, but when I looked over to Mama, she would be keeping a closer eye on Emma and Norman than usual.

She must've known that two of the kids were at the gate somehow. Whenever I saw Mama focused on Norman and Emma, I direct her attention to someone else like Phil or myself.


During our free time, I sat by the 'reading tree' and leaned on Ray's shoulder to see what he was reading. It was a book about mechanical engineering? That seemed kinda boring compared to the usual novels.

"Ray, wanna play tag with us today?" I asked, expecting an 'I'm good', but instead...

"Sure, I'm up for a game!" He smiled putting his book down and running to the forest.

I was in utter disbelief when I heard him say 'yes'. I was convinced that Ray was an impostor. Vote him out!

I ran after him half-way into the forest when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. I looked in the direction he was staring.

Norman and Emma.

They were likely scouting out past the fence. I ran ahead and Ray followed closely behind.

As I arrived at the fence and hesitantly stood there putting on a show for Ray, I jumped over like I would usually and followed Emma and Norman.

We reached the wall and I hid in my usual tree conveniently, as I ease drop, ignoring Ray in a nearby bush.

"It's a wall." They say in unison.

Emma climbed the tree I was in and I began to climbing higher, using the rustling of the leaves as cover.

"How is it? Can you see anything from up there?" Norman asked, looking at Emma.
"The walls looks around 2-3 metres wide!" She replied.

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