«14 - Musica and Sung-Joo»

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We approach Emma as she's being hugged by the little ones.

"I'm Musica and this is Sung-Joo. We don't eat humans or harm them in anyway. You're safe here."

As we were being served food, I sit in the corner alone listening to the kids cheering. It's been a while since I heard their precious laughs.

Being put into this world and bombarded with troubles really is exhausting. Faking at the house is frustrating enough, but transitioning to my true self is even harder.

I look over to Musica and Sung-Joo to see them praying in front of the food,
"Blessed and pure is this ailment, and blessed now is who partake it. With gratitude to all life in heaven and Earth, we say thank you for the meal."

"Thank you for the meal!" Everyone repeats. I begin eating. It's delicious. I wanna learn how to cook this good!


I wake up in the middle of the night, I presume. I could see Emma and Ray walking out of the room. Too tired to get up, I go back to sleep with worry in the back of my mind.

I sigh. I can't sleep when Emma and Ray are being suspicious. I decide to get up and follow them.

They were in the middle of a conversation,
"What happened to mankind thirty years ago?" Emma asks.

"Nothing really. Thirty years, huh? Don't know how you came up with that number, but humankind has been like this for a long time now." Sung-Joo replies.

"Also, tell your friend she can come out." I walk in and smile nervously, tired from waking up.
"I followed you here. I couldn't sleep." I excuse myself.

After I settle in between Emma and Ray, they resume the conversation.

"Could it be... this isn't Earth at all?" I look to Ray, "It would explain the absurd biology we've witnessed." I think it over.

It's a good theory, but why would we need to believe this is Planet Earth? It would make sense. You could say that this is Earth, but the year isn't 2046. That would make a lot more sense.

"What if this isn't the year, 2046?" I state my theory.

"Then what happened here?"
"I can tell you stories of old, when the world was bigger than it is today."

It was indeed, a greater world.
Back then, there were no 'Plantations'. The land was huge and full of humans and the demons could just prey on them to survive.

The demons were the hunters and the humans were the hunted.
Some humans caved in to fear and worshipped the demons.
Others grew vengeful and became the hunters.

In fear of being eaten, these humans killed packs of demons who in turn, actively held a grudge against the human race.
Endless massacres ensued with both sides residing in fear.

Finally, when neither side could bare the destruction, a proposal from the human side came.

"We shall make a treaty as follows:
"Human beings shan't hunt demons and demons shan't hunt humans either. We will split the world in two."

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