«43 - Plantation Infiltration»

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"Infiltrating... a Plantation?" I repeat, recollecting my thoughts.
"Yeah. There's a mass production farm around 5km West from this place. We've snuck in before to get supplies... There were loads of medicines. They think they should have what Chris needs, too." Hayato explains.

"Wow... You've snuck in?!" The kids stare in awe.
"Makes sense..." Oliver thinks aloud.

These two... Well, it would be easy to procure supplies for hundreds of Cattle children. So, they get them... from farms... by attacking or stealing...

"Let's get going. If we leave now, we can get back before sundown. We can save him."

My mind blanks. Sneak in? Can we even do it? Yes, everyone is counting on us to lead them! We've been through the Escape, Goldy Pond and a survive attack. This'll be a piece of cake...!

"Whatever you want, Emma, but I'm going to that Plantation to get supplies for Chris." I pat Emma's back, snapping her to reality.

"I'm going. Please lead the way." She replies.
"Emma!" Gilda shouts, surprised at our decision.
"We only need the medicine. We should keep the group small. Quick in, quick out." I advise, coming up with plans to sneak in.

"Jin stay here, please. If worst comes to worst, don't wait after nightfall. If we haven't returned by then, please take everyone to Minerva's place." Emma instructs.
"Roger, ma'am!"

"We need one more person... someone who knows about medicines... Zack, may I ask your help on this?" Emma recruits.
"Of course..."

"Emma, let me go instead...please." Anna pleads. Everyone begins to whisper and chatter.

"You realise it, too, right? The most rational choice is to leave Zack here. For Chris' sake and not only his... what if something happens to Dominic? What if demons or the Ratri clan attack... with everybody crowed together like this? Zack is the one with the most battle power and skill in dealing with them. Sandy is equally good, too." Anna monologues.

It's agreed... leaving Zack here is the best option. And, although I wasn't around much, Pepe let me know that if anything happens, Anna is...

"I should be the one to go. I'll bring back the medicines Chris needs." She argues.

"But, Anna...!"
"Right...! Even if... still..." Everyone argues.

"No, Anna's right." Zack agrees.

"But for another reason. She know more than anybody about medications. Am I right?" He confirms with Afro.

"Yes!" He confirms.

"And not just medications, but everything healthcare related... She's put a lot of effort into studying all that during this year. We can't compare. All for the sake of supporting her family." Zack continues.

"She learns extremely fast and remembers everything... Her current level left even Lucas impressed!" Zack flatters the now flustered Anna.

"Let her go. With Anna there, even if they lack the proper medicines, she'll find a way."

"That said, I understand why everybody is worried... so Ray and (Y/N) should go with you, too." Oliver advises.

"These two have been super nervous for a while now because of that..." Oliver gestures to the pizza duo.

"Yeah, it's a bit like Yuugo...!" Ray hears and makes the funniest face, while I laugh.

"We'll be fine here."
"Come back to us, no matter what!"

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