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Summary: Just me writing another willex reunion one-shot 😂 

Requested by: My brain 

Relationships: Reggie/Ray (platonic)    Alex/Willie (romantic)      Luke/Julie (romantic)

Warnings: No trigger warnings, but it's kinda long 😂 


"I think the band's back," Luke murmured in amazement, tears shining in his eyes.

Julie smiled at him, and the group continued to hug. Suddenly Julie pulled away from the hug, cursing under her breath. 

"Language, Julie!!" Reggie shrieked.

"Aww, is Julie's language too strong for our innocent Reg?" Alex asked mockingly.

Julie giggled. "Sorry, I just forgot, my brother wanted to talk to me."

"It's alright Jules, go talk to your brother," Luke said. 

Julie walked out, a big grin on her face. 

"Oooh, do you think we can be seen now??" Reggie asked excitedly.

"I mean, we can try." Luke looked hesitant, not wanting to get Reggie's hopes up. 

"Wait, what do we say if we can be seen? We can't just explain our whole life story," Alex pointed out, already overthinking everything.

"We'll just say that we wanted to visit Julie. Yknow, to celebrate the Orpheum performance."

Alex sighed. "Alright, fine."

Reggie leaped up, sprinting to Julie's front door. He rang the doorbell, and Ray opened the door, looking confused. He glanced at Reggie, then furrowed his brow even further.

"Aren't you three from Julie's band?"

Reggie squealed in delight, and Alex groaned, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry about him, but yes, we are from Julie's band," Alex quickly said, pulling Reggie away. 

"What are you three doing out here?" Ray still looked slightly confused, but his expression was relaxing.

"Oh, uh, we just wanted to surprise Julie. Yknow, to celebrate the Orpheum performance," Luke lied.

"Ah, alright. Come in, come in. I'm Ray."

"I'm Alex."


Reggie was still overcome with delight, and Luke nudged him.

"Oh, I'm Reggie!!" His voice was high-pitched, and it was obvious that he was trying to restrain himself.

"Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Molina," Alex said.

Ray chucked. "Oh please, call me Ray."

Just then, Julie walked down the stairs with Carlos, and her eyes widened when she saw her band mates.


Julie's eyes widened even further.

Ray looked at Julie questioningly. "Ghost boyfriends?" he asked incredulously.

"They aren't my boyfriends," Julie hastily explained, glaring at Carlos. 

Carlos was running down the stairs, right towards Reggie. He skidded to a halt right in front of the bassist, and he extended his pointer finger and poked Reggie in the middle of his chest.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now