after the orpheum-part 1

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story :) I'll try to update every day, but I am pretty busy with school, so there will be an update at least every other day! I just want to let everyone know that I am not trying to copy anyone's titles, I just can't think of any titles haha. This chapter happens directly after the last episode, but Nick hasn't been possessed yet. Also sorry if this is really bad, I'm not that great at writing, and my brain just jumps around with no logic whatsoever, so sorry if everything is like, out of order.


~Alex's POV~

We actually played the Orpheum!! We thought we were going to be destroyed by Caleb's jolts, but Julie saved us! I swear, Luke and Reggie never listen to me. I told them that Julie was going to come out to the garage, but they refused to believe me. So anyway, Julie hugged us, and we started glowing, and the stamps disappeared. We kept hugging for a while, and then Julie said Carlos wanted to talk to her about something. Luke, Reggie, and I are chilling out in the studio talking about how rad it was that we just played the Orpheum, when a realization hit me. 

"I have to go find Willie," I say quietly. 

Luke and Reggie share a knowing look, but don't try to stop me. "Alright man. I hope you find him," Reggie says, hugging me. 

"Be careful!" Luke says. I nod and poof out to start my search.


~Willie's POV~

What have I done? One moment, I'm crashing into Alex while skating the streets of Hollywood, the next moment I'm watching him being forced to play at the Hollywood Ghost Club in a gorgeous pink suit that brings out the green in his eyes. I silently chastise myself for thinking I have a chance with him. As much as it hurts to admit, I know that there's no chance he likes me back. (A/n: right now, Willie's at the HGC watching the guys on stage. So the events from Alex's POV haven't happened yet.) When Caleb finishes performing with Alex, Luke, and Reggie, I immediately leave and poof to the museum where Alex and I went. I really want to believe that he likes me back, but I know that it isn't true. I summon my skateboard (I don't know if he can actually do that, or if 'summon' is even the right word, but let's pretend he can summon his skateboard like the guys can summon their instruments.) To help take my mind off of Alex, I skate around the museum for what feels like hours. Eventually I stop skating and sit on the bench that Alex and I moved. 

"What have I done," I whisper to the empty museum. "I ruined any chance of being with Alex, and I completely ruined his life- well, afterlife. He and his friends wouldn't be at Caleb's club if I hadn't introduced them. They're going to be trapped for eternity, and it's all my fault," I whisper, sobbing slightly. 

"Hey, are you ok?" A familiar voice softly calls out. I look up in surprise. 

"Alex?" I whisper.


~Alex's POV~ 

I look everywhere for Willie. I check the skatepark, the street where we first met, the park, and basically every street. I decide to check the museum because that's the only other place that I can think of. I poof in and hear someone sniffling. 

"...going to be trapped for eternity, and it's all my fault." Someone starts crying. I turn the corner and see Willie sitting on a stone bench, sobbing quietly. 

"Hey, are you ok?" I say softly. Willie looks up with a surprised look on his face. 

"Alex?" He whispers. "Ho-how are you here? I thought- Caleb- the jolts-how? How are you here?" I walk over to Willie and hug him. He hugs me back, and holds on as if he's afraid that if he let's me go, I'll disappear forever. 

"I don't know. We were about to be destroyed by the jolts, but then Julie hugged us, and we started glowing, and the stamp disappeared." Willie pulls back slightly. 

"Wait, she could hug you?" 

"Yeah. I don't know how, but she could hug us." 

"Wow, that's... I have never heard of that happening." He looks worried for a second, but goes back to hugging me.


~Willie's POV~
Alex actually hugged me. I know he's done that before, but I'm starting to think that there's a chance he likes me. I decide that I might as well tell him how I feel about him. 

"Hey Alex," I mumble. 


"I uh- I just wanted to say that I uh- I really like you. Like, really like you." I feel him go still. 


 I pull away from him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I'll just go now." I start to walk towards my skateboard, tears forming in my eyes, but Alex grabs my hand. 

"Willie, wait! I really like you too." 

hehehe i'm going to leave it there :) i'll do a part 2, don't worry
i'll try to have it up tomorrow, but i'll see what i can get done

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now