childhood home (part two)

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Suggested by: Baithedrink


Summary: Alex gets to talk to a family member, and Carrie finds out that Alex is her uncle. 

Ships: Alex/Willie, mentioned Julie/Luke, mentioned Reggie/Nick

Warnings: mentions of homophobia, mentions death. somewhat long

Notes: the ghosts can make themselves visible to lifers. This takes place right after part one.


The door to Alex's room slowly swung open, causing both Alex and Willie to jump apart when they heard the door creak. 

Cassie stood in the doorway, her arms tightly crossed across her stomach. Her brow furrowed when she saw the dip in the mattress, and she looked around the room in alarm. 

"Alex? Is... is that you?" Cassie whispered. 

Alex took a deep breath and made himself visible. "Hey, Cass."

Cassie yelped in surprise and stumbled back, clutching the doorway for support. "How- what- is it really you?"

"Yes, it's really me."

Cassie slowly walked forward and attempted to hug her brother, but ended up just falling forward onto the bed. Willie dove out of the way, and Cassie yelped again when the dip in the mattress moved.

"Alex, you better have a really good explanation for why the mattress just moved on its own."

Alex chuckled. "Ok, so. Well. After we died, we went to this weird dark room-"

"He cried," Willie interrupted with a grin on his face.

"She can't hear you, dork."

"Lexie, who's there?"

Willie reached out and took Alex's hand. "Hello."

Cassie squeaked in surprise. "Lexie, who's this?"

"This is my boyfriend, Willie."

"Boyfriend? Oh. OH-"

"Can I please get back to explaining?"

"Yeah, yeah, please continue."

"So we were in the dark room-"

"He cried, apparently," Willie interjected. 

"That does not surprise me in the slightest."

"Will you let me finish the story you goons?" Alex asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Ok, ok, fine. I promise I won't interrupt anymore."

"I'll hold you to that. Anyway, so we stayed in the dark room for 25 years, but it only felt like an hour. Then, suddenly, we were falling out of the sky into the studio. And there we met Julie, who's family moved into the house, and there was a lot of screaming, and Julie ran out. Then she returned with a cross, we found out we'd been in the room for 25 years, and that we were dead. We found out people could hear us play, and then we found out that we could be seen when we played with Julie, but we disappear when the song is over. Anyway, I was freaking out because we could be seen with people, and I went to take a walk, and this one ran me over." He jutted an accusatory finger in Willie's direction. 

"So anyway then we screamed in a museum together, found out that Bobby stole our songs, we went to haunt him, but we wanted to confront him, but we couldn't become visible to him."

Willie's face crumpled in guilt.

"Wills, it wasn't your fault," Alex said gently. "Anyway, we asked Willie if he could make us visible, but he couldn't."

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