sneaking out (part 3)-willex

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last part!! it's probably going to be shorter than the others

"I love you." The words were whispered, barely able to be heard.

Alex hugged Willie tighter, whispering, "I love you too."

Both of them held on tighter, not letting go. When they pulled back, Willie was glowing.

Alex stared, mouth hanging open. "That-that's what happened when Julie hugged us! I think- hopefully-"

Willie quickly turned over his wrist, both of them watching as the stamp dissolved into the air. 

"We did it," Alex whispered in amazement. Overcome with emotion, he pulled Willie into another hug, gleefully shouting, "WE DID IT!!!"

Julie, Luke, and Reggie ran outside, looking for what all the commotion was about.

"Wait- what happened?" Julie said, gaping at Willie, who was still glowing. 

"Oh-uh, we-um," Willie stammered out awkwardly. 

"Love saved the day!" Alex hastily answered. 

Luke smirked at Alex, knowing exactly what happened. But he was nice enough not to embarrass them this time. (emphasis on *this* time)

"So love really conquers all, huh," Julie said, thinking out loud. 

"Apparently," Alex said, still hugging Willie. 

"Uh Jules-look-" Luke said, pointing to a figure on walking up the sidewalk.

Julie did look, and saw Nick approaching the house. 

"Get inside, all of you! Go to the loft, it'll hide you better. And don't make ANY noise!" Julie hissed, shoving Luke and Reggie towards the studio. 

They all poofed away, leaving Julie to wait awkwardly as Nick drew closer.

"Ah, Julie. How lovely to see you here this splendid morning." It was clear that Caleb had no idea how to sound like a modern teen.

"Nick! Hi! Did you need something?" 

"You left your history paper at my house yesterday. I just stopped by to return it," he said, handing her a piece of paper. 

"Oh, thank you. Is that all?" Julie took the paper, checking to make sure that it was actually her history paper, and not some fake. 

"Yes, that is all. See you around, Julie." Nick walked away.

Exhaling in relief, Julie walked back into the studio.

"What was that all about?" Reggie asked, coming down from the loft. 

"Oh, I left my history paper at his house. He was just dropping it off."

"Guess what!!!" Flynn squeals, shoving the studio doors open.

"Good morning Flynn," Julie says, sighing.

"I got you guys a gig!! And good morning Jules," Flynn says, handing Julie a flyer.

 Julie scans the flyer, letting out a small laugh.

"You could have just told us you wanted us to play at your birthday party, you know," Julie says, handing the flyer to Luke.

"Oh it's your birthday soon?" Reggie asked Flynn, looking over Luke's shoulder at the flyer.

"Yep, on Monday. But I'm having my party tomorrow, since it's the day before my birthday."

"Ok, what songs are we going to play?" Alex asked.

"I mean, Flying Solo definitely. Flynn, any ideas on what we should play?" Julie asks.

"Oooh, you should do Edge of Great!! And you figure out the rest. Surprise me! Now get to practicing."


After 3 hours of practicing, everyone is ready for the day to be over. 

"We should go to the beach," Flynn suggests.

"It would be a good way to relax, and we can celebrate your birthday," Julie says, pointing at Flynn.

"Cool! Let's go then!" Flynn pulls Julie off the couch, dragging her towards the studio doors. 

"You do realize we can just poof there, right?" Luke calls after them. 

Flynn hesitates. "Oh yeah. Wait, can you bring lifers with?"

"Yep. We've teleported Julie before." 

"Lets go then," Flynn says.

"Alright. Julie can go with me, Flynn go with Reggie, and Alex and Willie can go together," Luke says, taking Julie's hand. 

Flynn walks over and takes Reggie's hand, causing him to go slightly red. 

Luke nods and poofs out with Julie. Alex, Willie and Reggie follow, with Flynn in tow. 

At the beach, everyone sits on the sand, watching the sun slowly start to set. 

Out of nowhere, Luke poofs Julie into the water, causing her to chase Luke around the beach, angrily screeching at him. 

"JUST KISS ALREADY!"  Flynn calls after them. 

Julie whispers something to Luke, and he nods. The next thing they know, both Flynn and Reggie got poofed into the water. "JULIE!!" Flynn screeched. Just to be on the safe side, Alex quickly took his fanny pack off, setting it to the side.

Just as he had predicted, Luke poofed both Alex and Willie into the water.

Yelping in surprise at the cold water, Alex shouted, "LUKE PATTERSON GET BACK HERE!" before chasing after him. 

For the next hour, Luke, Willie, and Flynn chase Julie, Alex, and Reggie around the beach, trying to get them in the water. Eventually everyone gets tired, so they retreat to the sand. 

"Hey Jules, we should probably get back to the studio before your dad gets worried," Flynn says, yawning.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." 

Everyone poofs back to the studio. Julie grabs a blanket, wrapping it around her shoulders before flopping down onto the couch. 

"Today was fun," Flynn says, stifling a yawn. "But I should probably get back to my house."

"Alright. Good night, Flynn," Julie says, also yawning. 

"Good night, Jules," she responds, walking out of the studio. 

Soon, everyone in the studio is asleep. Julie is asleep on the couch, with Luke asleep next to her. Alex and Willie are sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch, while Reggie is asleep on a chair, snoring. 

They knew Caleb was still out there, but they didn't need to worry about him. They have each other, and that's all they'll ever need. 


lol i suck at endings 😂 i was contemplating how to end it for a good 15 minutes before i finally had a decent idea

i hope you liked this! 

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