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Summary: Alex and Willie starting a family. 

Ships: Willex, Juke, Flynn/Carrie, Reggie/Kayla

Notes: Everyone's alive, no ghosts. Takes place 5 years in the future. Julie is in college, Luke and Julie are married. Alex and Willie are married. Asexual Willie, but that doesn't get mentioned.

Warnings: anxiety attack (I'll put a warning so you can skip past it if you need to). you might die of cuteness, prepare yourself. 


Authors notes: sorry if any of this information is wrong, I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to any of this 😂 if something is incorrect, please let me know!


"Hey, hotdog?"

Alex chuckled. "Remind me why you call me that?"

Willie wrapped his arms around his husband's waist, settling his head on the blonde's shoulder. "Because on our first date, you got food poisoning from a hotdog."

"And that earns me the nickname?"


Alex hummed in response. "What did you wanna ask me?"

"What do you think about having kids?"

"What do I think about it, or do I want to have kids?"

"Do you want to," Willie clarified.

"Oh. Well, I mean, yeah, kinda. Do you?"

"Yeah, that's why I asked." Willie waited for Alex's reply with bated breath.

Alex slowly nodded. "We should probably talk about this more."

Willie glanced down and saw Luke and Julie on a FaceTime call with Alex.

"Hey Willie!" Julie called through a fit of giggles.

Willie's face went red. 

Luke walked away from the camera. "I'm gonna leave, this is too awkward for me. Talk to you two later!"

"Bye Luke," Willie mumbled, embarrassed.

Julie got up and walked to the bedroom of her dorm. Even though she and Luke were married, her dad wanted her to stay in the dorms until she finished college.

"Hey, if you wanted, I could be your surrogate," Julie suggested.

"You'd do that for us, Jules?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm finally almost done for the year, so Papí can't be mad at me for not focusing on my classes."

Both Alex and Willie were tearing up. "Thank you so much, Julie."

~nine months later~

Alex nervously walked up to Willie, who was sitting in a bench outside of Julie's hospital room. 

Willie grinned when he saw Alex, and walked over to hug his husband. 

"The nurse said it was up to us if we wanted to be in the room when she gives birth," Willie murmured. 

Alex nodded shakily. 

Willie gently cupped Alex's face. "Lex, look at me. Everything is going to be okay."

Alex nodded again. "I know. But I'm still nervous."

"Do you wanna go in?"

Alex shook his head. "I don't think I could handle that."

Willie gave Alex a small smile. "Yeah, I figured. Here, come sit."

Alex sat down on the bench, and Willie sat next to him. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now