jatp: christmas edition

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so since it took me a while to update because of school, here's another update! i just put this together quickly, so sorry if it isn't the most organized lol

ok so since it's the holiday season, this is just going to be me talking about how the characters probably act around the holidays. let me know how you think the characters would act, or put any characters i missed out on! i might do a part 2 if i think of more characters



Ok, Alex would totally be in charge of decorating. He would decorate everything, and he would get really mad if someone even *touches* the decorations. Luke and Julie would purposefully mess up the decorations, and then wait for Alex to find out. Reggie would try to get Luke and Julie to stop, but would end up helping them mess up the decorations. Willie would be helping Alex decorate, but would also take part in messing up the decorations with the others. 

Luke would hang mistletoe everywhere, and then trick people into standing under the mistletoe, particularly Julie. Reggie would just get all flustered, and Alex would just smack Luke. But at the same time, Alex would try to get Willie under the mistletoe, because of course he would.



Julie and Flynn would be in charge of baking the desert (mainly cookies). Reggie would be super eager to help, but then he would end up eating all of the frosting and then being super hyper for the next few hours. Alex would help, and secretly enjoy decorating the cookies, even if he doesn't show it. Willie would be a master at decorating the cookies, and end up making super crazy cookie decorations. Luke would hang around the kitchen and eat all the cookies, and then would end up having Julie chasing him around the house because he ate all the cookies. 

Ray and Tía Victoria would make the other food, and Reggie would be super eager to help Ray, but he would end up sugar-crashing from all the icing. 


Gingerbread Houses:

They would have a gingerbread house contest. You can't tell me otherwise. I'll plot out how it would go.

The teams:
-Luke and Julie
-Ray and Tía Victoria
-Carlos and Flynn
-Alex and Willie
-Reggie is the judge

Luke and Julie would end up eating everything.
Ray and Tía Victoria would do a super simple gingerbread house, probably copying off of the box.
Carlos and Flynn would end up arguing about how to decorate the house.
Alex and Willie would make the most *extra* house, even though they kept eating the decorations. 

In conclusion, Alex and Willie are the supreme gingerbread house decorators. 


Christmas Movies:

Ok, we all know that Reggie would literally watch every single Christmas movie, get attached to the characters, and then he would end up crying by the end. Doesn't matter what movie, he would end up crying at some point. Luke and Julie would be comforting Reggie, but silently wondering why he's crying at a Christmas movie. Willie would put on a Christmas movie to watch with Alex, even though Willie doesn't really like the Christmas movies because almost none of them have gay couples. Alex would pretend to hate the movies, but he would secretly enjoy it, get attached to the characters, and then end up crying at some point. So basically Reggie, but Alex pretends to hate the movies. Luke and Julie would put on a movie, hoping to be alone, but Reggie would interrupt because he doesn't wanna be alone.  


Christmas Morning/Presents:

Ok Reggie would be the one that tries to see Santa Claus, even though the others keep telling him that Santa isn't real. I mean, am I wrong?

Alex would try to get the most heartfelt gifts, and try to get gifts that he knows everyone will like. 

Willie would probably just give people money and tell them to get their own gifts. 

Tía Victoria would be the one to get people socks for Christmas. You can't prove me wrong. 

Ray would give people gift cards. I don't know why gift cards, but he just seems like he would give people gift cards. He would also be the one with the trash bag collecting all of the wrapping paper. 

Julie would probably get everyone matching clothes. Or she would make handmade gifts for everyone. 

Honestly, I feel like Luke would get Julie a ton of gifts, but for everyone else, he would just get a few things, or he would forget to get gifts entirely. 

thats all i can think of for now! should i do a part 2? or should i make a halloween version even though it's after halloween? let me know! i really like doing these, because it's so fun to imagine how everyone would act!

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now