schoolboy crush-willex

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Requested by: alexruneschelseacutlerr

Summary: High School AU, they're alive and meet each other at school. 

Ships: Alex/Willie, (also poly Julie/Luke/Reggie and Flynn/Carrie, but they aren't mentioned at all.)

Warnings: long

Notes: no ghosts, the whole gang is friends but they haven't met Willie yet. julie and the phantoms has already become a band. we like caleb in this :)


"Hey, Alex, you need a place to stay tonight?" 

Yelping in surprise, Alex slams his locker shut and turns to see Julie leaning against the wall.

"Aces, Jules, you scared me! And no, I'll be fine. My mom actually texted me saying that they wanted to talk to me, and try to be more accepting."

Julie's jaw drops. "Really?"

Alex nods in response. 

"That's great! Alright then, see you at practice tomorrow?"

"Yep, see you at practice tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow Jules."

Julie reaches up and gently ruffles Alex's hair, then turns and jogs down the hallway to catch up with Flynn.

Alex shakes his head fondly and slings his backpack over his shoulder and makes his way out of the school, completely lost in thought. Did his parents actually want to change, or were they pretending to be accepting just to force their beliefs on him? 

He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear a voice cry out "Hey, watch out!" until it was too late. A body slams into him and he falls onto the concrete with a groan of pain. 

"Aw man, you dinged my board!"

Alex pushes himself to his feet, a scowl coming across his face. "I dinged your board? Dude, you dinged me!"

"Oh, yeah man, I'm sorry about that. You alright?"

"I'm as 'alright' as I can be, considering I just got ran over." The boy in front of him removes his helmet and flips his hair, tucking a loose strand behind his ear. Alex is pretty sure his brain just completely shut down, but then it catches up and he draws back when he sees who's standing in front of him. 

Willie Covington, the adopted son of the principal of the school. Alex expects to get a lecture about how he should have been looking where he was looking, but Willie giggles. Like, a giggle that lights up his entire face and makes Alex's cheeks flush a deep pink.

"That's fair. I really am sorry about pancaking you..." Willie trails off and Alex realizes that Willie probably doesn't know his name.

"Oh, um, Alex." 

"Ah, right. You're the drummer for Julie and the Phantoms right?"

"Yep, that's me." Alex awkwardly chuckles and adjusts his fanny pack.

"No way! Dude, your band has the coolest music!"

"Oh, thanks."

Willie nods, a grin spreading across his face. "Hey, do you wanna go get coffee or something?"

"Um, yeah, sure."

"You don't seem too happy about that."

"No! No, I didn't mean for it to come across that way, it's just that my brain doesn't exactly know how to respond when a cute guy asks me to get coffee with him." Then Alex realizes what he said, and he slaps a hand over his mouth. "Aces, I'm such a mess."

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now