first dance-willex

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if you got a notification that i updated this it was because i forgot to put the picture 😅

summary: i mean, look at the title. okay, so this one-shot features a willex reunion, some band fluff, willex dancing (because we were robbed of that in episode five), and a first kiss. inspired by the above drawing ^

ships: Alex/Willie

notes: takes place like, directly after episode 9. also adhd willie because i said so. also julie listens to harry styles okay-

warnings: none, but it's long. oops.


Alex broke away from Julie's magical hug after a thought hit him.


He didn't know they were safe.

He still thought Alex had crossed over.

Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh-

"-lex? Alex? Are you alright?" Julie waved a hand in front of his face and he blinked. All three of his bandmates were looking at him in concern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Julie looked unconvinced, and she crossed her arms across her chest. "Alex. Please. Tell us what's wrong."

"Is it about Willie?" Luke wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Alex groaned.

"Who's Willie?"

"Oh! Willie is Alex's ghost-" The rest of the sentence was muffled by Alex leaping over the table and pressing a hand against Reggie's mouth.

"Alex's ghost boyfriend!" Luke finished, grinning in triumph.

"Lukas Patterson if you don't shut up I will not hesitate to personally drag you to Caleb."

"Alex, no one is dragging anyone to Caleb. Luke, be nice. Now, that being said, tell me about this ghost boyfriend of yours."

Alex's face turned bright red, and he pressed his face into the couch. "He's not my boyfriend."

Julie sat next to Alex and placed a hand on his back. "Tell me about him."

"You should see him, Jules! He has the prettiest eyes ever to exist on a ghost, and the perfect hair; and he's just the nicest person ever and he calls me hotdog even though it's how I died and he makes references to 2020 even though I have no idea what he's talking about half the time and then we hugged before the Orpheum and he gives amazing hugs even though that hug was really emotional and he smells really nice and-"

"Alex, breathe."

Alex inhales sharply and sighs into the pillow. "I miss him, Jules."

"I can tell. You are so far gone for him, dude."

The drummer whines pitifully. "I know."

"You should go find him, Lex."

"I know."

" go find him. And ask him on a date."

"Yeah, go get your boyfriend, Alex!"

"Shut up, Luke."


Willie slowly skated down Hollywood Boulevard, staring at the ground.

Alex was gone. He'd crossed over at the Orpheum. Willie would never see the ghost that stole his heart again.

Caleb was gone too. Willie had gone to watch the performance at the Orpheum, and when he'd returned, Caleb had disappeared. The Club was in complete chaos now, and Willie desperately needed to get away.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now