two dads-nick danforth-evans

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Requested by: -UT0PIA


Summary: Nick introduces Julie and the ghosts to his dads, and Alex finds out that gay marriage is legal. 

Ships: Alex/Willie, Reggie/Nick, Ryan Evans/Chad Danforth (HSM)

Warnings: none

Notes: he/they Willie. Julie can make the ghosts visible, including Willie. And yes, Nick's dads are Chad and Ryan from HSM. Caleb isn't possessing Nick anymore. Also, Nick can see ghosts now. Also the ghosts can eat. Ryan and Chad are aware of the whole ghost/possession situation.



"Hey, Julie! So, my dads wanted me to ask you if you and the guys wanted to come over for dinner tonight?"

Julie shuts her locker and turns to see Nick leaning against a nearby locker. "Oh, sure! But, Alex is probably going to invite Willie, is that ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine! The more the merrier."

"Cool. What time should we be there?"

"Oh, um, six o'clock."

"Alright. We'll be there."

"See you then!"

"Yep, see you then."


Julie walks into her room, a scowl quickly coming across her face. 

"How many times have I told you to STAY OUT OF MY ROOM?"

Luke's face turns guilty. "Sorry Jules. But I promise we didn't look in your dream box! We were just waiting for you to get back."

Reggie nods. "Mm-hmm, we didn't even touch your dream box. Though Luke did get awfully close..."



"Ok, whatever. Where's Alex?"

"With Willie," Luke and Reggie say in unison.

"I should have known. Can you two go get both of them?"

"On it, Julie!"

"You got it, boss."

They both poof out, and Julie quickly checks her dream box to make sure nothing got moved. 

"Hey, Jules."

Julie jumps and spins around, but relaxes when she sees it's just Alex, who's carrying Willie on his back. 

"Seriously? I just sent out Luke and Reggie to come get you two!"

"We know! They saw us poof out," Willie explains, setting their chin on Alex's shoulder. 

"Yep, they should be back right about..."

"Julie! We saw them, I swear- oh." Reggie stops when he sees Alex and Willie.

"Now," Alex finishes, shaking his head fondly. 

"Ok, now that you're all here, I need to talk to all of you. So, we're all going to have dinner over at Nick's house tonight."

All four ghosts were silent. 

"That's it?"

"Yes, Reggie, that's it."


"And before you ask, Alex, they said it would be fine for Willie to come with."

"Really? His parents are cool with..."

"Yes, Alex. Now, all of you get ready."


Julie reaches out her hand and lightly knocks on the door, grinning when Nick opens the door. 

"Hey, Julie! Hey, ghosties. Come on in!"

Sensing Alex's nervousness, Willie gives Alex's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Dad! Pops! They're here!"

Alex's face scrunches with confusion. 

Chad and Ryan walk into the room, grins on their faces. 

Alex's eyes dart between the two, then down to the matching bands on their ring fingers. The drummer's eyes widen and he pulls Julie back. 

"Jules, you never told me-that-I'm not misreading this situation right? Because-Julessss, please explain," Alex whispers frantically. 

"What?" Julie frowns, then her expression clears. "Oh, right. Yeah. Gay marriage got legalized, like, five years ago. Willie didn't tell you?"

"I might have forgotten to mention it," Willie says sheepishly, rubbing the back of their neck. 

"Willie, how do you forget to mention something as important as that?" Julie hisses, lightly smacking the skater's arm.

"I'm sorry Julie, please don't kill me!"

"You're already dead."

"...I mean, yeah. But please don't kill me again."

"Can we please focus on the more important thing here?" Alex whispers.

"Right, sorry hotdog. You alright?"

Alex nods. "Yeah, it's just a lot to take in."

"Hey, take all the time you need," Ryan chimes in, smiling warmly at the drummer. 

Alex inhales shakily and nods. "I'm fine now, really."

"Ok, so, this is Alex, Luke, and Reggie, and then this is Alex's theyfriend, Willie."

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Ryan."

"I'm Coach Danforth-Evans." Chad extends his hand while Nick rolls his eyes.

"Pops, no one's going to call you 'Coach' except for, you know, the people that you coach."

"Oh, well, it was worth a try. You can call me Chad."

"Nicky, do you know where my princess tiara is?" Nick's little sister walks into the room, a poofy yellow dress zipped up over her pink t-shirt.

"No, sorry P. Have you checked in your dress up bin?"

"Uh huh! It's not there!"

"Hey, Paisley? I'm pretty sure I saw it in the living room. I'll grab it for you." Ryan walks away. 

"Oh. Wait, who are they?" Paisley points to the ghosts. 

"You remember Julie?" Nick asks gently. 


"This is Julie, and her bandmates Reggie, Luke, and Alex. And this is Willie, they're dating Alex."

"Isn't Reggie your boyfriend?"

Nick chuckles. "Yes, P. He's my boyfriend."

Paisley nods and marched up to Reggie. "Will you come to my princess dance party next week?"

"Of course I'll come! It will be an honor to attend such a prestigious event."

Paisley giggles and wraps her arms around Reggie's legs. 

"I like him."

~the end~

question of the day: should I make a discord server for my followers? (make sure you're following me lol)

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now