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CALLING ALL RUKE FANS!! yes, I'm actually writing ruke 😱 let me know if I should start writing ruke more!

Requested by: Gleek_2010 

Also tagging eevee701 because they requested for me to write a ruke story a while ago


Summary: Ruke soulmate AU! When you're born, the first words your soulmate will say to you are on your wrist. (did I get this idea from tiktok? yes, yes I did.)

Ships: Luke/Reggie, background Alex/Willie, background Flynn/Carrie/Julie

Warnings: slight cursing

Notes: They're alive in this one! They're currently in high school (juniors). Reggie and Luke haven't met yet, but Alex and Reggie are already friends, and Alex and Reggie are friends with Julie, Flynn, and Carrie. Julie, Reggie, and Alex have started a band already.

(Also please disregard any incorrect information about guitars, I literally have no knowledge about guitars lol)


Reginald Peters had yet to meet his soulmate. His best friends had all found theirs, so why hadn't Reggie found his yet?

Alex had met Willie in their freshman year, when Willie had crashed into Alex after school.

Julie, Flynn, and Carrie had been best friends for years before they finally realized that they were all soulmates. 

Reggie had just come to the conclusion that maybe it was better that he hadn't met his soulmate. After all, his parents were soulmates, but they were always fighting. 

The words inked onto his skin were like glitter. They never went away, no matter how hard you tried. And you would always get reminded of it when you least expect it. 

Do you play?


Reggie was hanging out in the music room after school, mindlessly plucking the strings on the school's bass. Bored, he stood up and walked over to the piano, tapping at the keys in no particular order.

"Do you play?"

Reggie's head shot up and his eyes widened. Luke Patterson was standing in front of him. Like, Luke Patterson, school heartthrob, was standing in front of him. 

"Oh, piano? No, no, I was just, trying something new."

Luke's eyes widened almost imperceptibly, and Reggie's eyebrows creased. Blushing slightly, he fiddled with the cuffs of his leather jacket, attempting to cover up the words inked onto his wrist.  

The action didn't go unnoticed though, and Luke sat next to Reggie on the bench. Reggie squeaked in surprise and scooted a few centimeters away. 

"Reginald, right?"

"I prefer Reggie." But Reggie was baffled, no matter how calm he looked (he didn't look calm at all). Luke Patterson, the Luke Patterson knew his name! And was... possibly his soulmate?

"I'm Luke."

"Hey, Reggie!" Alex called, stepping into the music room. "Uh, Reg? What is he doing here?" Then Alex cringed. "Shit, I didn't mean for that to sound rude."

"It's alright. Uh, you're Alex, right?"

Alex nodded, casting a confused glance towards Reggie. Noticing Alex's confusion, Reggie quickly stood up, mumbling a hasty "be right back" to Luke. 

Reggie dashed over to Alex, pulling the blonde out into the hallway. 

"Reg, what was that all about?"

"I think he's my soulmate!" Reggie exclaimed, pulling the sleeve of his leather jacket up. "I was sitting at the piano, randomly playing keys, and he walked in and said, 'do you play' in that stupid adorable voice of his, and now-"

"He's your soulmate?"

Reggie nodded. 

"Who's his soulmate?" Julie walked up to the two, an apple in her hand. 

"Luke Patterson! Jules, his soulmate is LUKE PATTERSON!"

"Reggie, what was the first thing you said to him?"

"Uh, 'oh, piano? no, no I was just, trying something new.'"

Julie nodded and stomped into the music room, Alex and Reggie on her heels. They watched in equal parts awe and terror as Julie marched up to Luke and grabbed his wrist. When she read the words, she dropped Luke's wrist and turned towards Reggie. 

"No. Way."

Reggie's stomach seemed to be filled with butterflies. He didn't know if he should feel excited or nervous. How was Luke Patterson his soulmate?

Julie looked between the two, mouth agape. "Uh, you two talk." She grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him out of the room. 

Reggie stared down at his feet, a blush spreading across his face. 

"So, soulmates huh?"

Shifting his feet, Reggie dared a glance at Luke. He was fiddling with the bracelets on his wrist, turning them back and forth in his fingers.

"Yeah, it looks like it."

Luke walked forward and gently took Reggie's hands in his. "You don't sound too happy about that."

Reggie looked up into Luke's eyes, those beautiful eyes of his, and cracked a small smile. "I am, really. I've always felt like I'd never find my soulmate, felt like, maybe I wasn't worthy of a soulmate. And, my parents are soulmates, but they fight all the time, so I guess I'm just kind of nervous."

Luke frowned slightly. "Aw, I'm sorry man."

The bassist shrugged. "It's alright."

The two heard a groan from outside, followed by Julie storming into the room. "Alright, this is killing me. Reggie, are you free to go to the Eats and Beats café tomorrow after school?"

Reggie nodded.

"Luke, what about you?"


"Cool. I'm not, so have fun on your date!" With that, Julie walked back out of the room with a sigh.

Luke chuckled and grinned, and Reggie could have sworn his heart was melting.

"So, Reggie, do you want to maybe go get some coffee?"

"I'd like that." Reggie walked over to his bass and started putting it in its case. 

"No way man! You play bass?"

Reggie faltered, glancing back at Luke. "Um, yeah."

"That's rad! I play acoustic and electric!"



"Huh," Reggie mumbled under his breath. "The universe must really like me today."


"Oh, I was just thinking about how just yesterday, Alex, Julie, and I were talking about how we needed a guitarist for our band."

"Dude, you're in a band?!"

"That's what you get from that sentence?" Reggie asked jokingly. "Dude, I'm literally asking you to be our guitarist."

"Oh. Would Julie and Alex be ok with that?" Luke awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"WE'D BE FINE WITH THAT!" Came Julie's reply. 

Luke chuckled and offered his arm to Reggie. "Now, how about that coffee?"

~the end~

will I write a part 2? maybe 🙃 (jkjk, I will write a part 2)

question of the day: if you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why? (also when I say cartoon, I just mean any animated show lol)

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now