stolen songs-sunset curve

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Requested by: xoxmljm

Summary: Luke, Alex, and Reggie are in the car with Julie, and one of Luke's songs that Bobby stole comes on the radio. They end up confronting Bobby.

Ships: Juke (implied), Willex

Warnings: none

Notes: Trans Luke


authors note: story with aspen and elliot coming soon!! 


It all started when Julie wanted to go to the craft store. She had a new idea for a Double Trouble halloween costume, and she wanted to get started on it right away. 

Of course, being the clingy ghosts we all know and love, Luke, Alex, and Reggie begged Julie to let them come with. 

Julie reluctantly agreed.

So they all got into Julie's car, and not ten minutes in, Luke started complaining. 

"It's too quiet in here," Luke whined.

Julie reached forward and turned on the radio. 

A Panic! At The Disco song came on, and Julie squealed. 

Luke scrunched up his nose. "Who is this?"

Julie glared at him. "Not you disrespecting Brendon Urie. It's Panic! At The Disco, we opened for them at the Orpheum."

"I like it!" Reggie chimed in. 

"What's the song called?" Alex asked. 

"High Hopes," Julie responded. 

Julie hummed along to the song, and pouted when it ended. 

The next song started, and Julie hummed along. 

"Jules, who's singing this song, and what's it called?" Luke asked cautiously. 

"Uh, it's called In Your Starlight, it's a Trevor Wilson song."

Luke cursed under his breath. "That jerk," he muttered. 

"This is your song?" Julie asked.


"It was on our demo too," Alex added.

"Really? This was one of his newer songs, I wouldn't have thought it was one of your songs."

"Jules, you made up with Carrie, right?"

Julie nodded.

"Alright, turn around. It's time to confront him."

~at trevor's mansion~

Julie reached forward and rang the doorbell. 

Carrie answered the door with a scowl on her face, but it changed to a smile when she saw Julie. 

"Hey, Julie-bean! What's up?"

"So uh, you remember me telling you about the ghosts?" 

Carrie nodded. 

"They want to talk to your dad."

Carrie looked taken aback for a second, then nodded.

"Alright, follow me."

She led them through the house, Luke scowling at all of the records. 

"Dad? Julie wants to talk to you."

Trevor stepped out of his office, color draining from his face when he spotted Julie. 

"Julie. It's nice to see you again. Come in."

Julie stopped into the office, her arms crossed. 

"I think you know why I'm here."

"How are they here? They died, all those years ago..."

"They're ghosts. Now stop dodging," Julie snapped.

Luke turned to Julie. "Jules, make me visible."

Julie nodded and took Luke's hand. 

Trevor jumped when Luke became visible. Reggie took Julie's other hand, and Alex settled his hand on Julie's shoulder. 

All color was gone from Trevor's face. 

"I'm so sorry, guys. I know, I should have given you credit. But they wouldn't let me. They said it didn't matter, you guys were dead, so there wasn't any point in giving you credit. But I should have fought more, I know. I'm so sorry." He hung his head. 

"Why'd you steal our songs?" Luke asked quietly.

"I wanted to continue your legacy, and show the world how amazing your songs were. But they wouldn't let me give you credit. I'm so so sorry."

"You stole 'My Name Is Luke'. Why would you steal that? That was personal."

Trevor listed his head. "You haven't listened to it, have you?"

Luke shook his head. 

"Listen to it," Trevor said quietly.

Julie pulled out her phone, and quickly pulled up the song. She handed the phone to Luke and pressed play. 

The song started with Trevor's voice. 

This song was written by my late bandmate, Luke Patterson. All proceeds from this song will be donated to different LGBTQ+ organizations.

Luke paused the song and looked up at Trevor with tears in his eyes. 

"Thank you," he whispered. 

Trevor nodded and reached a hesitant hand toward Luke. When he realized that he could touch them, he lunged forward and wrapped Luke in a hug. Luke stumbled back, but hugged back when he realized what was happening. 

"I'm so sorry, all of you. I'll post something giving you all credit for the songs. I messed up, and I want to fix that."

"Touching as this is, may I ask, why the name Trevor? Like, you could've picked anything else, but you picked Trevor?" Alex shook his head in disappointment.

Trevor chuckled. "It was what my parents were going to name me," he explained. 


Trevor grinned at Alex. "So, have you found a ghost boyfriend yet?"

Alex opened his mouth to say something but then stopped. "Actually, yes. Do you want to meet him?"

"Wait, you actually have a ghost boyfriend?"

Alex nodded. "Let me go get him." He poofed out, then returned a few minutes later with Willie in tow. 

Trevor raised his eyebrows in surprise. 

"Bobby, this is Willie. Willie, this is Bobby-or, Trevor, technically. He's my old bandmate."

Willie extended his hand, but it just passed through Trevor's hand. 

"This is the bandmate you wanted to get back at?" 

Alex winced. "Yep, that's the one."

They continued to talk, until it was time for Julie to go home. 

Luke went to sleep, happy that he was getting credit for his music after all. 

Alex went to sleep, happy that he had such supportive friends. 

And Reggie went to sleep, just happy in general. 

~the end~

-authors note: ok but like, 'My Name Is Luke' is such a trans anthem, you can't tell me otherwise.

question of the day: other than sunset curve/Julie and the phantoms, what's your favorite band/artist?

mine is probably all time low, or evanescence, or linkin park, or jeremy shada (for obvious reasons)

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now