soulmates (part two)-ruke/new book preview!

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Notes: PLATONIC Luke/Julie

Warnings: none


A/n: I'm sorry it took me so long to update 😭 i couldn't figure out how to start this off, and I've had writers block :( anyway uh, stick to the end for a sneak peek of my new book!

Also, the ruke part is really short, but it's pretty much just fluff :) and i hope the book preview makes up for how short this is-

i also put a link to my spotify playlist in my announcements, go check it out!


"Reg, baby, have you seen my notebook?"

Reggie looks up from his guitar, a blush starting to spread across his face. "Um, no, not since practice yesterday."

Luke groans, continuing to dig through his backpack. "JULES!! HAVE YOU SEEN MY NOTEBOOK??"

Julie opens the studio door and sticks her head inside, then looks around. "First of all, I'm right outside, you don't need to yell. Second of all, do you mean the notebook that's currently sitting on the coffee table?"

Luke pauses his rummaging to look over at the coffee table. "Oh, yeah, that one." He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.

Julie sighs and puts a hand to her forehead. "I swear, you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your neck."

"Love you, Jules!" Luke calls as Julie walks back out of the studio, shaking her head. Snatching his notebook off the table, he walks behind Reggie and wraps his arms around the bassist, settling his chin on Reggie's shoulder. "Whatcha working on, baby?"

Again, Reggie's face turns red. "Oh, I was just trying to work on my part for Late Last Night."

Luke hums and presses a gentle kiss to Reggie's cheek. "Well, don't let me stop you."

Reggie giggles quietly. "I don't think you realize that my brain just completely shut down."

"Then, how about we go get some coffee? We can have like... a triple date with Alex and Willie, and Julie and Flynn and Carrie."

Reggie nods and moves to set his bass on its stand, but stops. "You do realize that you're gonna need to get off if you want me to go anywhere."

Luke mumbles something into Reggie's shoulder, then reluctantly lets go. 

"Alright, now can we go get coffee?"

~the end~

a/n: again, I'm sorry that was so short 😭 writer's block sucks :( anyway um, onto the preview!

New book preview: 

February 5, 2021

It's days like these that Anna loves the most. Warm, summer days, where she can wander the grounds, book in hand. It's days like today where she can admire the feel of the breeze in her hair, and the feel of warm sunlight gently kissing the tip of her nose. She can sit under a shady oak tree and read to her heart's content, getting lost in a book and escaping the watchful eye of her parents for a few blissful hours.

Adjusting her navy skirt, Anna sits down in front of a tall birch tree and takes out her book. Classic Ghost Stories was spelled out in faded gold lettering, the spine tattered and the pages starting to yellow. Opening the tome, she gently flips the pages until she finds her favorite story: The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allen Poe.

The château into which my valet had ventured to make forcible entrance, rather than permit me, in my desperately wounded condition, to pass a night in the open air, was one of those piles of commingled gloom and grandeur which have so long frowned among the Apennines, not less in face than in the fancy of Mrs Radcliffe. To all appearance it had been temporarily and very lately abandoned. We established ourselves in one of the smallest and least sumptuously furnished apartments. It lay in a remote turret of the building. Its decorations were rich, yet tattered and antique. Its walls were hung with tapestry and bedecked-

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Annabell Densmore."

Yelping in surprise, Anna slams her book shut so hard, the nearby birds twitter in annoyance and fly away. Looking up, Anna sees none other than Leo Russo, a stable boy, and her sworn enemy. His golden hair is glinting in the sunlight, his green eyes the same color as the grass.

"That's Princess Annabell to you," Anna fumes, crossing her arms over her chest.

The smirk Leo gives in response sends another wave of anger. How dare he be so careless? He was always thinking about himself, never about anyone else. It was infuriating! Anna had known Leo since they were kids, and he was always finding some new way to annoy her. Whether it be hiding her favorite books, or sneaking up on her while she was reading, or taking every single sticky note out of her books.

"Oh, I'm very aware of the fact that you insist I call you 'Princess Annabell'. But it seems rather formal, don't you think?"

"I don't care if it sounds 'rather formal' to you, Leonardo," Anna hisses. "I wonder if it would have done you any good to stay with your aunt longer. Might have knocked some sense of respect into you."

Leo chuckles, his green eyes twinkling. "Oh, boy, I did not miss you one bit." He walks over and leans casually against the tree, glancing down at the book in Anna's lap. "Let me guess, you were reading 'The Oval Portrait.'"

"Before you so rudely interrupted, yes, I was. Now, you better have a really good reason for interrupting me."

Leo shrugs and smirks again. That stupid smirk that causes Anna's stomach to somersault.

"Your parents wanted to see you."

Anna gives a small scoff. "Of course they do." Her parents always wanted to see her about something, no matter how small the issue was. So far, they'd needed to see her about how her hair was too short, how she always dressed in blue, how she was reading too much, how she was always outside... the list goes on.

Leo leans forward, offering his hand, but Anna just levels a glare at him. "I can get up myself, thank you very much."

~to be continued~

a/n: so uh, yeah! let me know what you thought of the preview! i probably won't publish the book for a while though, i wanna finish my other stories first.

question of the day: what's your favorite disney movie? (not including dcoms)

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