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Summary: Flashbacks of Alex and Luke's relationship before they died.

Requested by: eevee701

Warnings: Abuse, homophobia, homophobic slurs.

Also we like young Bobby in this :)


Quick announcement: I have a Christmas one-shot that I'll publish on Christmas morning! Lots of tooth rotting fluff, so get ready! (Also, flynn/carrie). No spoilers, but uh, Reggie with a puppy 👀


Reggie was talking about Star Wars again, so Luke glanced back to where Alex and Willie were talking. They were clearly head-over-heels for each other, but they wouldn't admit it. It reminded Luke of when he and Alex used to date. Gosh, they were hopeless.


Alex showed up to band practice later than usual, his hood pulled up over his face. Alex was never late. He hated being late. 

"Alex, you alright?" Luke asked, worried for his friend. 

Alex pulled his hood farther over his head and muttered, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Luke and Bobby exchanged a look. Alex clearly wasn't fine, but they didn't want to push him. 

"Can we just start practice?" Alex asked tiredly. 

"Yeah. Now or Never, or In Your Starlight?" Luke asked. 

"Let's do In Your Starlight!! It's been a while since we've practiced that!" Reggie chimed in.

Alex just nodded, pulling his drumsticks out of his bag. 

They were halfway through the song when Alex hit his drums so hard, his drumstick broke in half.

"Alex, dude, what's wrong?" Bobby asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." 

"Uh, you just broke your drumstick, you're clearly not ok," Bobby said, gesturing to the broken drumstick in the drummer's hand.

"I just had a fight with my parents, ok?" Alex snapped. 

"We've all had fights with our parents, dude. We understand."

"No, no you don't understand. This wasn't about the band, or something like that." Alex was close to tears, and he hung his head, gingerly touching the side of his face.

"Do you wanna tell us what happened?" Reggie asked gently.

Alex nodded, then slowly stood up. He sat on Luke's couch, head in his hands. 

Luke sat next to him, a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I uh, I'm... gay." He whispered the last word, and scanned his friend's faces.

"That's alright dude. We still love you," Luke said, gently leaning his head on Alex's shoulder. 

Alex laid his cheek on the top of Luke's head, then winced in pain and pulled away.

Both Reggie and Bobby noticed the drummer's face contort in pain, and they shared a look.

"Alex, what happened to your cheek?" Bobby whispered.

Alex cringed, then reached up and slowly pulled down his hood. On his cheek was a bright red mark in the shape of a handprint.

Reggie said nothing, just turned away, sitting on the floor and bringing his knees to his chest. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now