local tour-willex

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summary: just a lil one-shot inspired by the picture ☺️

ships: alex/willie

notes: they are ghosts in this! caleb kinda exists, but like, he's not as big of a threat as he was in season one. apparently Ray and Carlos can see the ghosts?? don't ask me how, I don't know either. he/they willie

warnings: none


"I can't believe you're going on tour."

The two of them were sitting on the bench where they'd first met, watching people pass as the sun set. An orange light was cast across their faces, tinting Alex's hair a golden orange.

Willie had never seen a sight as beautiful.

Alex sighed and buried his face in his hands. "I can't believe it either. Three whole weeks, with no company except for Julie, Luke, and Reggie."

Then Alex turned to look Willie directly in the eyes, and butterflies erupted in the skateboarder's stomach.

"Three whole weeks away from you."

Tears pricked at Willie's eyes, and they pressed their face into Alex's shoulder.

"You're such a sap," Willie teased, though their voice was strained with the effort of not crying right then and there.

"Oh, am I?" Alex tilted his head so it rested on top of Willie's.

Willie nodded and Alex chuckled, turning to press a kiss to the crown of Willie's head.

"I wish you could come with us," Alex murmured, absentmindedly weaving a braid into Willie's hair.

"I know. But Caleb's still out there... and it's better to be safe than sorry. Speaking of, I should probably get going."

"Yeah." Alex frowned slightly, then his expression cleared and he reached under the bench, handing Willie...

His pink hoodie.

"What-what's this for?"

"I thought you'd want something to remember me by," Alex said sincerely, and Willie ducked their head to hide their blush.

"It's not like you're leaving forever." Willie rolled his eyes fondly as he pulled the hoodie on, reveling in the blush on Alex's face.

Willie smirked, adjusting the hoodie, then leaned forward and brought a hand up to rest on Alex's neck. Alex moved his hand so it was wrapped around Willie's, and they both leaned forward, their lips meeting in a chaste kiss.

"Okay, I really should get going now. See you in a few weeks, hotdog."

"See you in a few weeks, speed bump."


Okay, so the tour was awesome. The whole band was amazing, and they ended each day with a smile on their face.

But Alex missed his boyfriend. A lot. The three weeks seemed to drag on forever.

And then it was finally over.

The band arrived back at the Molina house and Alex immediately dropped his suitcase in the entryway, then sprinted towards the studio. Where Willie was supposed to be waiting.

Except... they weren't there.

Alex scanned the studio, panic rising. Willie was supposed to be here. Where were they?

"Hotdog!" Arms wrapped around Alex's middle and he grunted, instinctively wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"Hey, Wills."

"Hi," came Willie's muffled reply. "How was the tour?"

"It was awesome. But I'm glad to be back here. With you."

Willie hummed and Alex tilted his head forward to press a kiss to Willie's hair.

"No problems with Caleb?"

"Nope. I didn't even see him. Or hear from him. He was completely silent."

"That's good."

A thud from outside startled both of them, and Alex turned his head as best he could towards the studio doors.

"Reggie, no! Leave the lovebirds alone!"

"But I want to get my Baby Yoda plushie!"

"Which do you value more, your innocence or your Baby Yoda plushie?"

"Luke, leave Reggie alone!"

"Tell Reggie that if he wants what's good for him, he should stay out of the studio!"

"How do you know what's good for me?"

Julie snorted, but it trailed off as she had to separate Luke and Reggie before they destroyed something.

"You can come in, you know!" Alex called.

The sounds from outside the studio stopped, followed by the door slowly opening.

"You sure I can come in?" Reggie asked, a hand over his eyes.

"Yes, Reg."

~the end~

AHHHH MY WRITERS BLOCK IS FINALLY (somewhat) GONE!!!! i have a ton of ideas, and school's out in a couple of weeks so expect a ton of updates lol

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i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now