sneaking out-willex

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ok so i was mindlessly scrolling through willex hashtags and i found the cutest thing-

like when i tell you i screeched-

like, look at this!!

(julie is taking the picture haha)

(julie is taking the picture haha)

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the artist's instagram is stars.n.hellfire , she makes so many awesome jatp drawings! (and yes, i did ask them before i included the picture! if you want to use an artist's work, please make sure you ask!)

so anyway, i saw this masterpiece and i knew i had to write a story about it!

i hope you all like it!


Background information: This takes place after they've performed at the Orpheum. Willie and Alex have gotten to see each other again, but Caleb found out that Willie's been seeing the guys, so he grounded Willie. (Yes grounded. I know he could've done more, like destroyed Willie's soul, but that seems a little extreme.) Caleb banished Willie to an abandoned house, where the doors are locked, and Willie can't poof out. Only the windows on the second floor can open. 

Ok, now to the actual story!

Ever since Caleb found out that Willie had been visiting Alex and the guys, Alex has been a nervous wreck. He's been so nervous that he can't even focus on rehearsing with the band. As much as Luke hated to admit it, he actually missed Alex's sarcasm. Sure it annoyed him at times, but it was really strange to not hear Alex making a sassy comment every 5 minutes. Eventually, Luke decided to do something to cheer Alex up.

"Hey Alex?" Luke said, causing the drummer to jump and look at Luke.

"Huh?" Alex said tiredly. The worry was evident in his voice, and you could tell by looking at him just how out of it he was. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot from crying. He was shaking, and all Luke wanted to do was get Alex back to the way he used to be. It hurt him to see how much pain his friend was in. 

"I have an idea. Why don't we go see Willie? I'm sure it won't be that hard to find him."

"No. No, that's a terrible idea. What if Caleb is keeping him at the club? It would just be sacrificing ourselves." Alex was already thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong, but Luke was one step ahead. 

"I already checked the club. I found a note on the entrance doors that said 'The Hollywood Ghost Club is currently closed. We hope to get back to business soon.' I even carefully checked every room, Caleb was nowhere to be seen. If Caleb was trying to trap us, he would have at least been a little more obvious."

Alex sighed, defeated. "...ok, fine. But if Caleb catches us, it's your fault."

Luke grinned brightly. "Who said we'll get caught?"

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now