childhood home-willex

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Summary: just a one-shot inspired by the picture ^

Ships: Alex/Willie

Warnings: homophobia (i mean, it's alex's parents, what were we really expecting?)

Notes: they are ghosts in this. also this is kind of a follow up to "parents". willex is already dating.


«quick authors note: so you don't have to go back and read it, here's a summary of 'parents'. Alex went back to visit his house, and found a pride flag on the flagpole. He never actually explored the house though.


"Hey, um, Willie?"

"What's up, hotdog?"

"I was thinking about visiting my old house again."

Willie looked up in surprise. "Oh?"

"Yeah. I never actually visited my room or anything like that, so I just wanted to go back and see..."

"You want me to come with?"

"Yeah... that would be great."

"You got it, dude. You wanna go now?"

Alex nodded and adjusted his fanny pack. 

"Alright. Lead the way, hotdog."


"Here we are."

As Alex took in the house, all the memories came flooding back. His little sister, Cassie, swinging on the swing set. Both kids giggling as they chase each other around the yard. Alex, staring up at his house for the last time. 

Willie gave Alex's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You sure you wanna go in?"

"Never been more sure of anything."

"You'll let me know if it gets too overwhelming?"

"Mm hmm." Alex started to walk up to the house, inhaling deeply. He gazed up at the pride flag billowing in the wind and sadly smiled, wishing his parents had been more accepting when he came out. 

He took a deep breath and stepped into the house, sensing Willie do the same. Not much had changed since 1995. There were still picture frames on the mantle, the ugly green wallpaper was still there, and the walls were still covered with drawings. 

Alex took a step closer to the fireplace, examining the pictures. Most of the pictures from his childhood were still there, but among the familiar pictures were unfamiliar ones. In one of the pictures, a blonde woman stood smiling at the camera, a toddler resting against her hip. A teenager stood next to them, and Alex knew the girl, he was sure of it. The picture looked recent, but Alex didn't think he'd ever seen it before. Then he recognized the woman. 

"Cassie?" he whispered, bringing a hand up to touch the frame.

"Is that your sister?"

Alex nodded soundlessly. His sister. All grown up. His sister, his baby sister, had a family. He was an uncle.

"That girl in the back looks really familiar," Willie noted, a small frown on his face as he tried to figure out where he'd seen the girl. 

Then Alex figured it out. "It's Carrie!" he gasped, inspecting the picture closer.  

"Like, as in Carrie Wilson? Your bandmate's daughter?"

"I-I think so, yeah. Carrie Wilson is my niece?"

"I mean, it would explain a lot about your connection."

"What connection?"

"Your dancing connection."

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now